Some words about African literature

20 Oct

African literature is the traditional oral and written literatures together with the mainly 20th-century literature written mostly in European languages but also to an increasing extent in the many languages of the sub-Saharan region. Traditional written literature is limited to a smaller geographic area than is oral literature; indeed, it is most characteristic of those sub-Saharan cultures that have participated in the cultures of the Mediterranean. In particular, there is literature in both Hausa and Arabic from the scholars of what is now northern Nigeria; the literature of the likewise Muslim Somali people; and literature in Geʿez (or Ethiopic) and Amharic of Ethiopia, the one part of Africa where Christianity has been practiced long enough to be considered traditional. The literature of South Africa in English and Afrikaans is covered in a separate article, South African literature. See also African theatre.

The relationship between oral and written traditions and in particular between oral and modern written literatures is one of great complexity and not a matter of simple evolution. Modern African literatures were born in the educational systems imposed by colonialism, with models drawn from Europe rather than existing African traditions. The modern African writer thus uses tradition as subject matter rather than as a means of effecting a continuity with past cultural practice.

1 The Aetolian League were a federal state or “sympolity” of Aetolia, in ancientGreece. Probably based on a looser tribal community, it was  ……

2  The so-called ‘Affair of the Necklace’ scandal at the court of Louis XVI in 1785 that discredited the French monarchy on the eve of the French …….
3   The doctrine of the affections, also called Doctrine Of Affects, was a German Affektenlehre, theory of musical aesthetics, widely ……
Michel ʿAflaq was born in1910 in Damascus, Syria, which was then part of the Ottoman Empire [now Syria]. He died on June 23rd 1989 in Paris………
Affective disorder is a mental disorder characterized by dramatic changes or extremes of mood. Affective disorders ….
6   Affective fallacy, according to the followers of New Criticism, is the misconception that arises from judging a poem by the emotional …..
Affenkapelle ware, in German: “Monkey Orchestra”, is a series of figures created by the Meissen porcelain factory in Saxony …..
Thomas Affleck was born in 1745 in Aberdeen in Scotland and died in 1795 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. He was an American …..
Denis-Auguste Affre was born on September 28th, 1793 in  Saint-Rome-de-Tarn, France and died on June 27th, 1848 in ……
An Afghan carpet is a stout, long-wearing floor covering hand-woven by the Afghan tribe of Turkmens of Turkmenistan ………
Afonso I was born between 1109and  1111 in  Guimarães, Portugal.
He died on December 6th, 1185, in Coimbra. He was also …..
The Afghan interlude, (1722–30), was a period in Iranian history that began with the Afghan conquest of Iran and  …
Afonso II was born somewhere around born 1185, in Coimbra, Portugal and he died on March 25th, 1223, in  Coimbra. Having a  …..
Afonso III was born on May 5th, 1210 in Coimbra, Portugal and died on February 16, 1279 in Lisbon. He was the fifth king of Portugal from 1248  ….
Afonso IV was born on February 8th, 1291 in  Lisbon, Portugal and died May 28th, 1357 also in  Lisbon. His by-name was Afonso The Brave ……
Afonso V was born on January 15th, 1432 in Sintra, Portugal and he died on August 28th, 1481 also at Sintra …
Afonso VI was born on August  21st, 1643 in Lisbon, Portugal and died on September 12th, 1683 at  Sintra in ..
Lucius Afranius was born at  Picenum in Italy and died in 46 BC, in Africa province [now in Tunisia]. He was a Roman general and a devoted adherent …..
Antebellum literature: African-Americans launched their literature in North America during the second half of the 18th century, joining the …
0 The Slave narratives: In the wake of the bloody Nat Turner rebellion in Southampton county,Virginia, in 1831, an increasingly fervent …

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