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The Staves [cover] Keaton Henson — MIMFL Cover Songs (Vol. 8)

MIMFL vol8
Holy… w o w. This is hands down THE MOST beautiful thing I’ve heard in ages. Sure, everything that The Staves do is worthy of your appreciation and admiration — but this, I don’t know, it just undoes me. I’m quite smitten with Keaton’s music, and I’m an advocate for connection and collaboration, so I imagine that’s why this sets my insides ablaze with euphoric delight.

Cover songs are often a controversial topic among music lovers. I see both sides of the topic, but I myself am very PRO-cover. Inspiration is found in nature, in a kind word, in a thoughtfully penned poem, in the laughter of children. Different things inspire different people at different times, but I think music is universally the most inspirational medium. Musicians who are just starting out hone their craft by learning covers that inspire them, songs originally played by people they admire. I love that! I love the respect and reverence you can hear in a thoughtfully done cover. I especially adore it when a song is reworked and has new life breathed into it. [original source]

[and the original]

check out the previous songs in this series

MIMFL Cover Songs (Vol. 1) • MIMFL Cover Songs (Vol. 2)

MIMFL Cover Songs (Vol. 3) • MIMFL Cover Songs (Vol. 4)

MIMFL Cover Songs (Vol. 5) • MIMFL Cover Songs (Vol. 6)

MIMFL Cover Songs (Vol. 7)

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