Lisa Gawlas – Full Surrender To The Heart Of Your Soul! (A Fragmented Yet Whole Sharing.) – 13 February 2015

lisagawlas2One can become so long in the tooth, sure they had connected every dot of their chaotic trail to Here, no stone left unturned, no hidden mystery left to discover from looking back upon the trail.  Yes, I am absolutely referencing myself here, but equally, no matter my experience, I also know, I am never alone within it.

Letting go.  How many times did spirit say that over and over and over again thru the last few years (if not many collective lifetimes.?)  I know for myself personally, when I think of letting go, I think of the outside world itself.  I let go of so many versions of my self, I let go of my kids, my grandson (when I moved to New Mexico) long before this path started, I let go of the chaotic relationship of my mother, released completely one of my daughters.  I have let go of living spaces, work evaluations.  So once again, I was pretty damn sure when spirit talked to you, whomever was out on the field, of letting go, I too got a free pass.  What more could I let go of??

I was pretty sure too, I had taken every element of fear within me to the spiritual gym and used it to strengthen my life of courage.  Using courage to walk this path out loud and not just talk about it as a concept that should be applied.

I tapped out of yesterday.  I had wonderful conversations with everyone on my agenda, but choose not to read.  I couldn’t, I was beyond full and the thought of taking in one more shred of information brought tears to my eyes.  My mind had been processing and expanding for 10 solid days and nights, this human, is exhausted!!

Read the full story at: / link to original article

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