Airstrikes Not Enough, Ground Troops Needed To Defeat ISIS – UK General – 6 October 2014

RT logoSyrian Kurds have echoed the warning of a British military official, claiming that airstrikes against ISIS are not enough to defeat it.

Kurds fighting against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) militants who are closing in on the city of Kobani in Syria, near the Turkish border, said there are too many IS fighters to stop them with airpower alone.

“Airstrikes alone are really not enough to defeat ISIS in Kobani,” Idris Nassan, a senior spokesman for the Kurdish fighters, told the Guardian. “They are besieging the city on three sides, and fighter jets simply cannot hit each and every ISIS fighter on the ground.”

The US extended its aerial campaign from northern Iraq to Syria almost two weeks ago. The UK Parliament voted in favor of launching RAF Tornado jets to strike against IS targets, but only in northern Iraq.

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