Israel Destroys Aid Projects In West Bank To Make Room For Settlements – 13 April 2014

RT logoIsrael has gone ahead and destroyed several EU-funded humanitarian projects in a settlement zone in the West Bank, despite diplomatic threats and repeated calls to desist, it has been revealed by EurActiv.

There are concerns not only that this is against international law, but that disrupting the area’s territorial coherence could seriously undermine any prospect of peace with the Palestinians.

The E1 corridor, as it’s called, contains an area known as Ras-a-Baba (or Jabal-al-Baba), overlooking Jerusalem. It has been a target of the Netanyahu government ever since 2012. The three projects destroyed will be joining whole scores of other EU-funded structures that Israel has destroyed, without regard for international law, as Europe believes, calling the area “a red line”, a report by EurActiv, an EU policy news and discussion portal, has revealed.

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