– Holy See : Eliminate Hunger Through Inclusion – 30 October 2013

(Vatican Radio) The Vatican said on Tuesday we can only eliminate hunger and food insecurity by promoting inclusion. The Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, Archbishop Francis Chullikatt told the international body more needs to be done to stop hunger.

“By pointing out the problem of exclusion and the need for inclusion, we bring up the uncomfortable fact that hunger is not caused by the lack of sufficient food to feed every person on the planet,” he said during a UN meeting on agricultural development, food security, and nutrition. “While improvements in food production remains an important goal, food security will be achieved by all only when we change social structures and when we learn to show greater solidarity towards the poor and the hungry,” said Archbishop Chullikatt. “Hunger is not just a technical problem awaiting technological solutions. Hunger is a human problem that demands solutions based on our common humanity.”

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