Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Thraupidae

Genus/species: Tangara chilensis paradisea 


GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: In Spanish, called “sieite colores” for its seven-colored appearance: green, yellow, scarlet, black, and three colors of blue feathers adorn this handsome bird. Monomorphic (males and females look similar). Length 13.5 to 15 cm 5.3 to 6 inches.

DISTRIBUTION/HABITAT: South America: common in Venezuela, Peru, Columbia, Ecuador, Brazil. Found in the canopy and edges of subtropical to tropical lowland humid forests, including parts of the Amazon basin and upwards to 1400 m (4500 feet). Often moves in mixed flocks.

DIET IN THE WILD: Mainly fruit, buds, leaves. Forage from middle heights to treetops. Also, like other  tanagers, picks insects from leaves or sometimes takes them in flight. Often moves and feeds in mixed flocks.

Paradise Tanager   3259028446_790c536452_b

REPRODUCTION: Female builds a cup nest where she lays two or three brown or lilac-speckled white eggs. Eggs hatch in 13–14 days; chicks fledge in additional 15–16 days. Nestlings are feed insects and fruit by both male and female..

CONSERVATION: IUCN, least concern.


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