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1913 Seeds of Conflict

Breaking new ground and shattering old myths, 1913: SEEDS of CONFLICT, directed by award-winning filmmaker Ben Loeterman, explores the little-known history of Palestine during the latter part of the Ottoman Empire, a time of relative harmony between Arabs and Jews. Living side by side in the multi-lingual, cosmopolitan city of Jerusalem, Jews, Christians and Muslims intermingled with a cultural fluidity enjoyed by all. How did this land of milk and honey, so diverse and rich in culture, become the site of today’s bitter and seemingly intractable struggle? Was there a turning point, a moment in time when things could have been different? Weaving the raveled threads of Arab and Jewish narratives back together, 1913: SEEDS of CONFLICT provides new and fascinating insights into the dramatic events that took place in Palestine which set the stage for the coming century of unrest.

The film examines the divergent social forces growing in Palestine before the outbreak of World War I that caused the simultaneous rise in Jewish and Arab nationalism. Combining the perspectives of a wide range of Arab, Israeli and American scholars, the film includes information from documents previously unavailable from the Turkish Ottoman archives and largely untouched by historians. Shot on location in Beit Jamal, dramatized scenes bring many of the key figures of the era to life, with dialogue in five languages taken directly from the historical record — personal letters, government documents and newspaper accounts. 1913: SEEDS of CONFLICT offers a fresh look at the complex circumstances that transformed this once relatively peaceful outpost of the Ottoman Empire into a land perpetually torn by violence.

Ontario Jewish Archives


Hieronima Wilczewska – Jeden z dwóch wywiadów z naocznymi świadkami zbrodni niemieckiej w Jedwabnem, do których dotarła TV Niezależna Polonia.


Jedwabne i holokaust – eye’s witness

euronews cinema – Polish WWII massacre film causes shockwaves

Legacy of Jedwabne – 57min. documentary

Lawrence Troster

Rabbi Lawrence Troster is the Rabbinic Director of J Street, and one of this country’s leading Jewish eco-theologians and religious environmental leaders

Women at the Wall – Rosh Chodesh Av 2013 [HD] | נשים בכותל המערבי בראש חודש אב תשע’ג

Rabanit Iris Odani Elyashiv, Rosh Chodesh Av HEBREW

Jacobus Van Der Geest on coming to America

Dutch rescuer and aid provider Jacobus Van Der Geest worked with the US armed forces as an interpreter and provided medical care to wounded American soldiers returning to the USA. Van Der Geest remembers helping a wounded soldier see the Statue of Liberty.

To learn more and explore the stories of other eyewitnesses to the Holocaust and other genocides, visit
Copyright USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education.

Jewish survivor Dave Lux remembers Nicholas Winton

Dave Lux survived the Holocaust as a child because of Nicholas Winton, who orchestrated the Czech Kindertransport, saving hundreds of Jewish children by transporting them to England. Lux remembers leaving his parents and thinking he’s going on a field trip.

To learn more and explore the stories of other eyewitnesses to the Holocaust and other genocides, visit
Copyright USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education.

Jewish Survivor Herbert Holden remembers Nicholas Winton

Herbert Holden describes Nicholas Winton’s lifesaving efforts to bring 669 Czech children to Britain during the Holocaust, and how he called up a television program to reveal himself as one of the children Winton saved.

Jewish Survivor Vera Gissing remembers Nicholas Winton

Vera Gissing remembers her parents decision to send her and her sister Eva on the Kindertransport from Czechoslovakia to England in May 1939. She also describes their farewell at the train station in Prague and the journey to England.


The Oporto Jewish Museum, located in rooms on the first floor of the Kadoorie Mekor Haim Synagogue, shows the history of the Jewish Community of Oporto, from the Middle Ages to the present day. Of particular note is a panel with the names of the 842 Oporto “new-Christians” who were prosecuted, between 1541 and 1737, for “heretical Jewish practices”. The oldest victim was 110 years old. The youngest victim was a mere 10 years of age.

David Ben-Gurion Interview

Interview with former Israel Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion with Edward R. Murrow completed on Feb 3, 1956 at Sde Boker kibbutz as part of Murrow’s ‘I Can Hear It Now’ series.

All audio was taken from the Columbia Masterworks Label ML 5109, that featured the complete unabridged interview on the release. An edited version of the interview with Ben-Gurion appeared on CBS TV’s ‘See It Now’ on March 6, 1956.

This interview clearly had audio issues, and wind interference is noticeable. All attempts to remove vinyl crackles, and audio enhancement have been made to the recording.

Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive – Celebrating David Ben Gurion: A 20th Century Statesman

Jewish Survivor Rose Kohn Testimony


Cantor Concert Special

Jewish Life Television ▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist

Museen in Frankfurt – Neue Chefin für das Jüdische Museum
Frankfurter Rundschau
Miriam Wenzel, Spezialistin für digitale Vermittlungsarbeit, wird von 1. Januar 2016 an das Jüdische Museum führen. Die Literaturwissenschaftlerin …

Darstellungen des Holocaust (Aus der Reihe »Was wir nicht zeigen«)
Mirjam Wenzel, Mitarbeiterin des Jüdischen Museums Berlin

Was ein Museum zeigt, ist bedeutend. Aber auch, was es nicht zeigt, kann viel erzählen: von deutsch-jüdischem Leben, vom Sammeln und Konservieren oder auch von ethischen Fragen und politischen Debatten. Hier geben Mitarbeiter des Jüdischen Museums Berlin Einblicke, indem sie schildern, »was wir nicht zeigen«.

Remembering Liberation

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The Path to Nazi Genocide

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
View a new Museum film providing a concise overview of the Holocaust and what made it possible. Using rare footage, the film examines the Nazis’ rise and consolidation of power in Germany as well as their racist ideology, propaganda, and persecution of Jews and other innocent civilians. It also outlines the path by which the Nazis led a state to war, and with their collaborators, killed millions — including systematically murdering 6 million Jewish people. This 38-minute resource is intended to provoke reflection and discussion about the role of ordinary people, institutions, and nations between 1918 and 1945

Rabbeinu Tam

From Wikipedia

Jacob ben Meir (1100, Ramerupt – 9 June 1171 (4 tammuz), Troyes),[1] best known as Rabbeinu Tam, was one of the most renowned Ashkenazi Jewish rabbis and leading French Tosafists, a leading halakhic authority in his generation, and a grandson of Rashi. Known as “Rabbeinu” (our teacher), he acquired the Hebrew suffix “Tam” meaning straightforward; it was originally used in the Book of Genesis to describe his biblical namesake, Jacob.

Lesen Sie weiter Button - Orange Photos by Wikipedia 

Rav Mota Frank – Tifillin Rabeinu Tam – הרב מוטה פראנק – תפילין דרבינו תם

Rabbeinu Tam’s Tefillin with Rabbi Yehoshua Goldstien | Torah Shiur

Chava Alberstein – Rabbi Tam

What Is Judaism?
Rabbi Berel Wein teaches about the core beliefs and frameworks of Judaism, and what makes it different from other religions.

Moroccan Judaism: Interview with Rabbi Joshua Maroof

As part of a video series marking Jewish American Heritage Month, Morocco on the Move interviews Rabbi Joshua Maroof of Washington, D.C.-area Sephardic synagogue Magen David to learn about Moroccan Judaism.

“[The Rabbinate of Morocco] had a certain boldness… and a freedom of thought that was remarkable, and they used it to keep their community together.”

MoroccoOnTheMove ▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist


Rav Yossef Ben Pora, LA SHOAH!!!!
Rabbi Zamir Cohen Hidabroot La voix de la Thora
Cours de Thora!

Jewish Roots of the Rockefeller Family.

“The Grandees – America’s Sephardic Elite.
A book overlooked by most people and published for sale mainly within the Jewish community states that the Rockefellers are Jews of Se

Six Day War – Israeli victory – Documentary,,, and more…▶ ▶ ▶

Elie Wiesel: Universal Lessons of the Holocaust

Elie Wiesel, recipient of the Nobel Prize for Peace, was 15 when the Nazis deported him, along with his family, from their home in Transylvania to Auschwitz. Losing both his parents and

Eva Kor on her experience with Josef Mengele

Eva Kor and her twin sister Miriam were experimented on by infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. She describes how one experimented had nearly killed her but she promised herself she would survive. Eva’s testimony is featured in the IWitness activity Growing Up Behind the Barbed Wire.

Buchenwald Liberator Leon Adler remembers WWII for Memorial Day

Memorial Day in the United States commemorates the men and women who died while in the military service. US army veteran Leon Adler remembers helping mortally wounded soldiers while serving in Germany.

Jewish Survivor Henryka Shaw Testimony

You are watching Henryka Shaw, a Jewish Survivor from the Holocaust. To learn more about Henryka and explore the stories of other Holocaust survivors and witnesses, visit

These videos are brought to you by the USC Shoah Foundation Institute (, which was founded by Steven Spielberg in 1994. The Institute has video testimonies of 52,000 Holocaust survivors, witnesses, liberators, and others. Each individual’s video testimony was indexed with the specific terms, names, places, and dates applied to noted in each minute of video. Click here to search a collection of testimonies from the archive

Genocide and the Jews: A Never Ending Problem

Featuring Prof. Elie Wiesel, Samantha Power and Prof. Noah Feldman.

Full Interview with Jacqueline Van Maarsen by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach


▶ ▶ ▶,,, Histoire du peuple juif

Rony Akrich nous entraine à la découverte de la Bible à travers les
personnages depuis Adam, nous conduisant par tous les temps et tous les ….

Alice Somer Herz – 108 Year Old Holocaust Survivor – Interviewed by Bernard Hiller

Bernard Hiller interviews Alice Somer Herz who was an inmate of the The Terezin concentration camp. She was a very accomplished pianist who played Chopin’s 24 etudes from memory. She lost her parents and and her husband during the war. Her son who, because a successful musician (who died 2001), survived the camp with her as well.
She believes that being “optimistic” is the most important quality to achieve a happy life. She currently lives in London and is the oldest Holocaust survivor.

When Canada Said No: The Abandoned Jews of the MS St. Louis

In May 1939, the oceanliner MS St. Louis departed Hamburg, Germany carrying Jewish refugees desperate to flee Nazi Germany.
They tried to escape any way they could.
But the world did not want them.
This is their story.

▶ ▶ ▶ Holocaust Task Force

Spiritgrow’s Shavuot Mini Series Part 1: The history of the festival

Spiritgrow’s Shavuot Mini Series Part 2: The Spiritual Message of Shavuot

Spiritgrow’s Shavuot Mini Series Part 3: The Customs & Traditions

Prof. Israel Knohl: On Shavuot We Live on Two Levels – Nature and History

Prof. Israel Knohl, senior research fellow at Shalom Hartman Institute, discusses the way the nature holiday of Shavuot was blended to the giving of Torah at Mt. Sinai in this May 2012 (5772) interview with Israel Broadcasting Authority in Jerusalem.

Historical Rare Video of Miron – Lag Ba’Omer 1940


2009-08-07 History, Music & Memory:Victor Ullman – רביעיה של אולמן

History, Music and Memory 2009 Seminar of Beit Terezin. The concert was played at Beit Wohlin, Givataim, Israel with the Yad Vashem sponsorship

Beit Theresienstadt

2014-12-24 הקולנוע של טרזין | Theresienstadt Movies – opening,,,++++

Viktor Ullmann

Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust Virtual Tour

Jewish History Manifesto by Dr. Henry Abramson

and more…. ++++

VIDEOS SELECTION Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson

Jewish Biography as History by Dr. Henry Abramson

Essential Lectures in Jewish History,,,, by Dr. Henry Abramson

This Week in Jewish History …by Dr. Henry Abramson

Independence Day 2015 of Israel IDF – 67 years – יום העצמאות 2015 למדינת ישראל – 67 שנים -דגלנים

Independence Day 2015 of Israel – 67 years – יום העצמאות 2014 למדינת ישראל – 67 שנים -דגלנים

Full Recording – Israeli Declaration of Independence

Israeli Declaration of Independence as read by David Ben Gurion in Tel Aviv
The following day, the 1948 war started with all neighboring arab countries
sending thier armies to stop the foundation of a Jewish State

USC Shoah Foundation i

USC Shoah Foundation is dedicated to making audio-visual interviews with survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides a compelling voice for education and action.
The Institute currently has over 53,000 testimonies recorded in 39 languages in 61 countries that allow us to see the faces and hear the voices of those who witnessed history, allowing them to teach and inspire action against intolerance

Days of Remembrance: The Power of Music

Celebration of the state Israel – London, 1949 – Hatikva, Hora

Jews of London celebrate the foundation of the state Israel and sing the Hatikva and dance the Hora, 1949.

MACHAL – Volunteers from the Diaspora in 1948

Israel National News TV Archives: MACHAL, Volunteer Fighters from the Diaspora played a major role in Israel’s success in the 1948 War of Independence. MACHAL pilot, Smoky Simon and Former Israeli President Ezer Weitzman, who was the Israel Air Force’s founding commander, discuss the important role MACHAL played in 1948 and beyond..

Golda Meir Interview on Arab-Israeli Relations and Terrorism (1973)

Golda Meir (Hebrew: גּוֹלְדָּה מֵאִיר‎‎; earlier Golda Meyerson, born Golda Mabovich (Голда Мабович); May 3, 1898 — December 8, 1978) was a teacher, kibbutznik and politician who became the fourth Prime Minister of the State of Israel.

Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel on March 17, 1969, after serving as Minister of Labour and Foreign Minister. Israel’s first and the world’s third woman to hold such an office, she was described as the “Iron Lady” of Israeli politics years before the epithet became associated with British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. Former prime minister David Ben-Gurion used to call Meir “the best man in the government”; she was often portrayed as the “strong-willed, straight-talking, grey-bunned grandmother of the Jewish people.”

In 1974, after the conclusion of the Yom Kippur War, Meir resigned as prime minister. She died in 1978.

After Levi Eshkol’s sudden death on February 26, 1969, the party elected Meir as his successor. Meir came out of retirement to take office on March 17, 1969, serving as prime minister until 1974. Meir maintained the coalition government formed in 1967, after the Six-Day War, in which Mapai merged with two other parties (Rafi and Ahdut HaAvoda) to form the Israel Labour party.

In 1969 and the early 1970s, Meir met with many world leaders to promote her vision of peace in the Middle East, including Richard Nixon (1969), Nicolae Ceausescu (1972) and Pope Paul VI (1973). In 1973, she hosted the chancellor of West Germany, Willy Brandt in Israel.

In August 1970, Meir accepted a U.S. peace initiative that called for an end to the War of Attrition and an Israeli pledge to withdraw to “secure and recognized boundaries” in the framework of a comprehensive peace settlement. The Gahal party quit the national unity government in protest, but Meir continued to lead the remaining coalition.

In the wake of the Munich massacre at the 1972 Summer Olympics, Meir appealed to the world to “save our citizens and condemn the unspeakable criminal acts committed.” Outraged at the perceived lack of global action, she ordered the Mossad to hunt down and assassinate the Black September and PFLP operatives who took part in the massacre. The 1986 TV film Sword of Gideon, based on the book Vengeance: The True Story of an Israeli Counter-Terrorist Team by George Jonas, and Steven Spielberg’s movie Munich (2005) were based on these events.

During the 1970s some Russian-Jewish emigrants were allowed to leave the Soviet Union for Israel by way of Austria. When seven of these emigrants were taken hostage at the Austria-Czechoslovakian border by Palestinian Arab fighters in September 1973, Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky closed the Jewish Agency’s transit facility in Schönau, Lower Austria. A few days later in Vienna, Meir tried to convince Kreisky to re-open the facility by appealing to his own Jewish origin, and described his position as “succumbing to terrorist blackmail”. Kreisky did not change his position, so Meir returned to Israel infuriated. A few months later Austria opened a new transition camp.

Meir’s story has been the subject of many fictionalized portrayals. In 1977, Anne Bancroft played Meir in William Gibson’s Broadway play Golda. The Australian actress Judy Davis played a young Meir in the television film A Woman Called Golda (1982), opposite Leonard Nimoy. Ingrid Bergman played the older Golda in the same film. In 2003, the American Jewish actress Tovah Feldshuh portrayed her on Broadway in Golda’s Balcony, Gibson’s second play about Meir’s life. The one-woman show was controversial in its implication that Meir considered using nuclear weapons during the Yom Kippur War.

Valerie Harper portrayed her in the touring company and in the film version of Golda’s Balcony. Supporting actress Colleen Dewhurst portrayed her in the 1986 TV-movie Sword of Gideon. In 2005, actress Lynn Cohen portrayed Meir in Steven Spielberg’s film Munich. Later on, Tovah Feldshuh assumed her role once again in the 2006 English-speaking French movie O Jerusalem. She was played by the Polish actress Beata Fudalej in the 2009 film The Hope by Márta Mészáros.

Golda Meir and the Foundations of Israel Dr. Henry Abramson Jewish History Lecture

A presentation of the life of Golda Meir (1898-1978), spanning her immigration to Israel in 1921 through the end of her term as the fourth Prime Minister of Israel in 1974. The lecture will discuss the foundations of the Yishuv, the pre-state Jewish community, and touch on the major social and military conflicts that Israel endured during the first three decades of its existence. The lecture was held at Young Israel of Bal Harbour.

By Air, Land, and Sea: Aliyah under the British Mandate

Toldot Yisrael ( presents the dramatic stories of Jews from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Iraq who overcame great obstacles in their efforts to reach the Land of Israel. For 2,000 years, Jews around the world dreamed about returning to the Land of Israel. But the rise of antisemitism in the 1930s and 40s made the need to return to Israel far more urgent. Jews fled their homes in Europe and Arab Lands seeking refuge in Palestine but found the British Mandate had all but closed the doors to aliyah, forcing them to find dangerous and illegal methods to immigrate – by air, land, and sea.

This movie is the fifth episode in the “Eyewitness 1948” short film series produced by Toldot Yisrael. It is the centerpiece of an educational pilot program made possible through the generous support of the Jim Joseph Foundation, the Alexander Family, and others.

Eyewitness 1948

Toldot Yisrael ( presents the story of six Jewish heroes who defiantly blew the shofar at the Kotel (Western Wall) over sixty years ago, when it was illegal to do so in British Mandatory Palestine. The British passed a law in 1930 forbidding Jews to blow the shofar at the Kotel, pray loudly there, or bring Torah scrolls, so as not to offend the Arab population.

Despite this restriction, for the next seventeen years, the shofar was sounded at the Kotel every Yom Kippur. Shofars were smuggled in to the Kotel where brave teenagers defiantly blew them at the conclusion of the fast. Some managed to get away – others were captured and sent to jail for up to six months.

Six of these men are still alive.

Two weeks ago, these six men returned to the scene of their “crime”. Armed with shofars, they recounted their individual stories and blew shofar again at the Kotel.

Echoes of a Shofar is the premiere episode in the “Eyewitness 1948” short film series produced by Toldot Yisrael and the History Channel. It is the centerpiece of an educational pilot program developed with The iCenter and made possible through the generous support of the Jim Joseph Foundation and others.

Eric Halivni (Weisberg)

Director and Editor
Tal Ella

Production and Cinematography
Peleg Levy

Troy De Lowe

Nahum Grinberg

Original Score and Sound Editor
Uri Kalian

מפיק: אריה הלבני
במאי ועורך : טל אלה
הפקה וצילום: פלג לוי
עורך וידאו: נחום גרינברג
מוסיקה ומיקס: אורי קליאן, סוויט סאונד
קריין: טרוי דילו

The Founders: The Story of the 1948 Generation

“תולדות ישראל” בחדשות

יום עיון תיעוד בעל פה – תולדות ישראל 2014

המייסדים: סיפורו של דור תש”ח

Yom HaShoah through Photographs and Songs

While listening to songs heard throughout Israel during Yom HaShoah, witness photographs of brave men and women who were lost to us during the Holocaust. We will never forget.

shoah images

Israel: Birth of a State

Israel: Birth of a State

This segment of the landmark documentary, The Jewish Americans tells the story of the establishment of the Jewish State and American Jewish efforts to make a homeland in Israel a reality.
After World War II, the British found themselves in an increasingly precarious position in Palestine. World opinion favored the establishment of a Jewish state, or at least a sanctuary for the Jewish refugees from the Holocaust, in Palestine. Arab nationalists demanded a cessation of Jewish immigration to the region. Britain tried desperately, and ultimately unsuccessfully, to maintain control of this strategically important territory. In February 1947,Britain announced its intention to cede control of Palestine to the United Nations. The United Nations, in November 1947, passed a plan to partition Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state. The partition plan directed Britain to quit Palestine by August 1948.
The plan was accepted by the Jews, rejected by the Arabs, and met with skepticism by the British. From November 1947 until their ultimate departure from the region in May 1948, Britain did little to prepare either party for independence as the British were convinced that no Jewish state could possible endure in the face of Arab armed forces that had pledged to attack upon the declaration of a Jewish state. Meanwhile, the Jews moved ahead with plans for statehood, establishing a provisional government under the leadership of David Ben Gurion in March 1948. On May 14, 1948 while Egyptian fighter-bombers flew overhead and the last remaining British troops prepared to depart, Ben Gurion and his cabinet gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum where they proclaimed the independence of the state of Israel.
One day after the state was declared, the armies of Egypt, Transjordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon invaded Israel and the War of Independence began. Israel emerged victorious, but not without great cost. Thousands of Israeli and Arab soldiers died and approximately 600,000 Palestinians fled their homes, thus creating a refugee problem that continues to trouble the region to this day

Israel: The Birth of a Nation ( ישראל לידתה של אומה )

Israel: Birth of a Nation documentary shows true history of Israel’s legitimate establishment

Israel: Birth of a Nation is a History Channel documentary presented by acclaimed British historian, Sir Martin Gilbert. The documentary chronicles the events of the Israeli War of Independence (1948-1949) using archive film, photographs, and interviews with participants.
On May 15, one day after the creation of the State of Israel, the Arab armies of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon invaded the new Jewish state. The Arab forces were significantly larger than Israel’s and were better equipped. Yet, coordination and organization were lacking and the Arab armies were often at odds with each other, seeking to incorporate territory from Palestine into their own states.

Despite their small numbers, the Jews were well-organized, well-disciplined and well-trained. The war was marked by long periods of fighting and temporary cease-fires. Finally, fighting officially ended in January 1949, at which time Israel held the 5,600 square miles allotted to it by the UN partition plan plus an addition 2,500 square miles. Trans-Jordan held the eastern sector of Jerusalem and the West Bank and Egypt held the Gaza Strip. From January to July 1949, armistice agreements were signed with Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria based on the frontlines as they were at the end of the fighting. These lines created the borders of the new state and as a result, Israel gained control of the areas which would have been part of the Arab state envisioned by the UN had the Arab world not gone to war with Israel.
At the time, Israel hoped that the armistice agreements would lead to official Arab-Israeli peace treaties. The Arab states, however, refused to recognize Israel’s existence and negotiate peace and remained in a state of war with the Jewish state. They continued their economic, political, social and cultural boycott of the Jewish state which was instituted by the Arab League in 1945. The Arab economic boycott of Israel prohibited Arab peoples, companies and states from conducting business both with Israel and with other companies who do business with Israel. They also embarked on a campaign to isolate the Jewish state in the international community.
Some Arab leaders attempted secret negotiations with Israel. Tragically, some of them were murdered, including King Abdullah of Jordan who was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1951. The Arab states provided little help to Palestinians who became refugees after the war. Only Jordan offered Palestinian Arabs citizenship. Refugee camps were set up and maintained primarily by the United Nations and other international relief organizations.

Yom Hashoah – Holocaust Memorial Evening Ceremony Hannaton 2015

Artistic expression with Ayalah Gura and Tamar Santis

Jewish Music Toronto does Eli Eli – אלי אלי – (Halicha Lekesariya) – Yom HaShoah and Yom Hazikaron

In this week’s lesson, Jewish Music Toronto is taking some time to commemorate Yom HaShoah – יום השואה (Holocaust Remembrance Day) and Yom Hazikaron – יום הזיכרון (Israeli Memorial Day) in our own little way. We’re doing this by learning Halicha Lekesariya – הליכה לקיסריה, better known as Eli Eli (My God, My God) אלי, אלי.

Details on the author, composer and translations are included within the video, as well as our resource links below.



Yom HaShoah –

Yom Hazikaron –…

Hannah Szenes –…


The song in Hebrew –…

David Zahavi Bio –… –

Enjoy, share, and, if you haven’t already, Subscribe!…

Jewish Music Toronto is produced by Eli Green, from Toronto, Ontario, and is working to build a database of Jewish music, week by week.

יולי זלמנוביץ’ ניצולת שואה מפעילה צפירה ארצית


רכבת ההצלה – סרט על הרב הרצוג בזמן השואה

סיפור מסעו המרתק של הרב יצחק חיים הרצוג, עם סיום מלה””ע ה-2, ברחבי אירופה, להצלת ילדים יהודיים שפוזרו בכפרים ואצל משפחות נוצריות, במאבקו להשבתם אל חיק משפחותיהם בארץ ישראל.לקטעים נוספים מתוך תכניות רשת, כנסו לערוץ רשת:
להצטרפות לערוץ רשת:…
האתר הרשמי:
חפשו אותנו בפייסבוק:!/

תיק תקשורת: תדמית ניצולי השואה בתקשורת

איך סיקרה התקשורת את ניצולי השואה כשעלו לארץ, וכיצד היא מסקרת אותם כיום? רות בונדי, ניצולת שואה, סופרת ומתרגמת, וביתה טל בשן, עיתונאית ‘מעריב’ מתארחות באולפן.
וגם- השבוע פורסם דו”ח של משרד הבריאות על כך שחצי מהילדים שחלו בסרטן בנפת חיפה בין השנים 98-2007, לקו במחלה בשל זיהום אוויר.
באיזו צורה מכסה התקשורת את הנושא ומדוע?
עו”ד אליס גולדמן, פעילה חברתית, מפרץ חיפה, דורון שפר, כתב קול ישראל בחיפה ואלי לוי, חדשות 10 יגיבו באולפן.
שלוש הדקות האחרונות של התכנית חתוכות, ניתן לצפות בתכנית המלאה בלינק הבא:

Yom Hashoah, Remembering the Holocaust

From 1933-1945, the Nazis murdered 11 million people. On Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance, we light a candle for those who lost their lives.

The Future of Judaism with Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

(Visit: For Jews and for Judaism the twentieth century brought unprecedented suffering and incredible achievements — but as a new century gets going, their role in the future is up for grabs. Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregation of the Commonwealth, refutes the arguments for isolationism and the self-sufficiency of “people that dwell alone” that have proven so tempting through history, instead making the case that Jews and Judaism must renew their sense of hope and purpose to engage positively with the developing global culture. Series: “Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Endowed Symposia in Jewish Studies” [2/2013] [Humanities] [Show ID: 24414]


<<< LINK TO >>> previous videos >>>





Holocaust Survivors tell their stories

The Future of Remembrance: Presentation of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure

This short film was premiered at the Presentation of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure on 26 March 2015 in Berlin. During this presentation the EHRI online portal was launched. The EHRI portal gives access to dispersed Holocaust sources and is a growing resource. At the time of the launch it already provided access to rich information about more than 1,800 Holocaust-related archival institutions in 51 countries, and to descriptions of tens of thousands of archival materials. Please visit the portal for online searching and more info,

A Glimpse of Jewish Life in Budapest Before the Holocaust By. Professor Rich Gair

While visiting the Holocaust Museum in Budapest, Hungary during July 2011 I shot this 5 min. plus clip. It shows various scenes of the once vibrant, cultured, happy life that Jews experienced on a daily basis. After the Shoah this vitality was replaced with death, destruction and just memories of what once was. A culture that lives on only through our memories, stories, pictures and remnants of it.

The Lost Faces of Europe’s Jews

See the faces of Jewish families that once populated this continent before the Holocaust. Their’s was a rich and vibrant culture, lost to the world forever.

Why Should We Remember?

Holocaust Education Video – Overview of the Holocaust and its relevance in today’s world.

A History Of The Jews In England The Beginning of Persecution and the Organization of Jewry

For the first time Crusading enthusiasm—hitherto at a low ebb—spread throughout England among all classes, from highest to lowest. It was inevitable that the feeling against the Jews was accentuated. The heavy exactions of the previous reign, of which they had been to some extent the instruments, were not forgotten, and there was little prospect that the policy of the government would change. Increasing numbers and prosperity were a prolific cause of jealousy. In 1179 Pope Alexander III had felt obliged to exhort the king to protect the monks of St. Augustine’s, Canterbury, in their business dealings with the Jews, which must have been of considerable volume.

Jews and Law in England 1190 1290

A talk by Paul Brand (University of Oxford) on the English laws regulating Jewish communities before their expulsion in 1290. The talk took place on March 4, 2015 in the approach to the 800th anniversary Magna Carta.

Bukharian Jewish Cemetery Chigotay in Tashkent, May 2012

Кайков ТВ представляет
Благотворительный Фонд Ташкент
Бухарско-еврейское кладбище “Чигатай” в г. Ташкенте
снято в Мае, 2012 г.

Jewish Cemetery in Wrocław 1856 (museum) Walking tour, The most beautiful I have ever seen

Established in 1856, this 4.6 hectare cemetery is perhaps the most well-preserved testament to the former strength of Breslau’s pre-war Jewish community, with over 1200 gravestones. Closed in 1942, the cemetery quickly fell into deep neglect: in 1945 it was turned into a fortress by the Nazis and saw fierce fighting as evidenced by the eerie bullet holes in many of the gravestones. Preservation began in the 1970s and in 1991 it was opened as the Museum of Jewish Cemetery Art in tribute to the craftsmanship of its sepulchral art. Indeed the beauty and diversity of styles and symbols on display is perhaps unmatched anywhere. Many noteworthy figures are buried here, including the renowned biologist Ferdinand Cohn, the historian Heinrich Graetz (author of the first complete history of the Jews), Clara Immerwahl (first female PhD student at the University of Breslau, and wife of Fritz Haber, who committed suicide in objection to her husband’s work developing chemical warfare), Ferdinand Lassalle (founder and leader of the first labour party in Germany, killed in a duel), and the parents of Edith Stein; using old records some of their tombstones are slowly being restored. However, despite these modest efforts the Ślężna Street Cemetery remains a completely mysterious and evocative sanctuary of decaying vine-covered monuments, the broken pieces of which are stacked against each other, giving shelter to stray cats and shade to wildflowers. Well worth a visit.

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