Super Duper Release day Par-tay of Bloodstorm

Cover Art by the amazingly talented Dawné Dominique

Available at Amazon 🙂

When duty forces a shaman to stop a vampire from her revenge, love doesn’t just burn… it bites.

For two hundred years, Niki DeVeraux has been tracking the monster who murdered her family and made her a vampire. She finally catches up to him only to face more than she bargained for in a too-sexy sheriff who makes her remember she’s still a woman. With duties as Keeper of the peace and Sheriff, Shane Spencer must protect humanity and stop the friction between the local Arcaine races before it turns into an all out blood war.

When wolves start turning up dead, the tension between the races grows and suspicion falls on Niki. Shane knows she’s not to blame, and it has nothing to do with the primal urges she stirs within him. Working together, they must stop the hostilities from going over the edge. Trouble is, the desires raging between them might prove more dangerous than the surrounding threats.

Available at Amazon

Release Day Party and Giveaway

I want your opinions!

Here’s my Q4U: What do you like the best about Vampires?


I’ll be checking in all weekend, today through Sunday night. Let’s talk about vampires and what we like most about them. Make sure to come back each day, because more news & awesome prizes will be announced each day!


Every so often, through the day, I’ll be picking random winners for prize packs:

  • 5 gift certificates to Ana Banana’s Bath and Body Treats
  • 3 gift certificates to
  • Amber Kallyn book bags
  • Autographed Posters of the cover art
  • Autographed postcards of the cover art

Saturday Prizes

In addition to the above prizes, I have 20 mini-stakes to give away today and tomorrow.

They’re hand made, hand engraved, custom keychain Vampire stakes, LOL. They were so cute, I couldn’t resist. Each stake measures about 2 inches long.

As a gift, I will send these in mini-swag packs, which includes a custom stake key chain and an autographed cover of the book to the first 20 people who email me at amberkallyn (at) gmail (dot) com with an amazon reciept for purchasing Bloodstorm.

(This does not preclude you from winning one of the other prizes)

More Prizes will be announced Sunday, so check back, and join in the discussion.

Extra Entries to Friday’s prizes

I’ve never done this before, but I’m willing to try, LOL.

You can earn extra entries in the contest by doing any of the following:

  • If you Tweet the following (copy & paste):

Check out @AmberKallyn ‘s Super Duper Par-tay for the release of her Bloodstorm #vampires

  • If you Facebook and share the link in the comments

If you comment on any of my Release Day Bash blog hosts sites:

Romancing the Darkside

Reader Girls

Beverly @ The Wormhole

Saph’s Book Blog

Fang-tastic Books

Roxanne’s Realm

The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom

But most of all

I want to have fun 🙂

I love vampire stories. So share what you love best about vamps, and we can debate it, LOL.

A Note:

Love ya’ll very much. Thanks for stopping by and if you participate, thanks so many bunches I can’t even count them all.

*If Peter piper picked a bunch of peppers, how many pecks of pickled peppers did peter piper pick?*

Yes, I love ya’ll more than one bunch 🙂

About Amber Kallyn

Amber Kallyn is the author of paranormal erotic romances and urban fantasy.

Posted on April 13, 2012, in Contests, Giveaways, Release Days, Releases, Vampires and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 25 Comments.

  1. MMM my favorite thing about a vampire? Well, if they’re the type that don’e just munch humans, then I like their sexual stamina, the naughty, wicked things they’ve learned over several lifetimes, and cool supernatural abilities.

    If they’re the kind that treats people like cattle, I like how scary they are, their arrogance, and how they still ooze sexuality and forbidden pleasures……

  2. I like the ideal of the never aging staying forever young…

  3. Hi Jennifer,

    Thanks for stopping by 🙂 Good or bad, they definitely ooze sexuality, don’t they.

  4. Hi Leigh 🙂

    Staying young would be nice *thinks about upcoming birthday* LOL

  5. I wanted to say huge congrats on the new release…

  6. Thanks Savannah, truly appreciated 🙂

  7. Hi, Amber, congrats on the release day!

    When it comes to Vampires, I don’t know what the attraction is really. It could be the whole night-owl thing that appeals to me because I’m like that, or it could be the charming “I can eat you right now, but I’m attracted enough to without the fangs” attitude I’ve read a lot of lately.

  8. Though I missed this!
    hmmm what I like most about vampires, maybe just the way they make being bit seem really sexy and very sexual

  9. Hi Cassia,

    Thanks 🙂 I love that ‘I can eat you right now, but’ LOL.

  10. Hey Draken, love the name. Thanks for stopping by 🙂


    And the winner is Leigh Savage. Thanks for all the comments : ) Please email me at amberkallyn (@) gmail (.) com and let me know if you’d like a gift certificate to Ana Bananas or Amazon 🙂

  12. I love that vampires are sexy, mysterious, and strong.

  13. Hi Amber
    Congrats on the release of Bloodstorm!!!

  14. Congrats on your release! I think there is something so intimate about feeding a vampire from your own blood. And just all the sexy places they can feed from. 🙂

    Shared on FB:


  15. Hey Vanessa,
    Sexy and strong just go together for me, LOL.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  16. Hi Daniela,
    Thanks for all the support, sweetie.

  17. Hey JoAnna,
    Thanks hun 🙂 Great to see you.

  18. My favorite thing about Vampires would be their insatiable desire to dress well, but remain Vintage. I swear, most Vamps (no matter the era) are closet Victorians. Or at least, I like to think of them that way.
    And, of course, Immortality would be a wonderful gift, if you were into Anthropology…as I am. I’d love an endless amount of time to discover all the various cultures and places in the world.

  19. My favorite thing about vampires is that they never age.

  20. Since yesterday turned out to be very hectic here at home, I didn’t have a chance to choose more winners.

    So, I’m announcing them now 🙂

    Additional Friday Winners:

    Vanessa N.

    Saturday Winners:

    JoAnna B

    Please email me at amberkallyn (@) gmail (.) com and let me know which prize from Friday’s list you would like : )

    ***I will announce more tonight and tomorrow. If I don’t here from you, and you have left your email address, I will email you on Monday 🙂

  21. Last winner drawn tonight is:

    Sherri D.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Please email me at amberkallyn (@) gmail (.) com and let me know which prize from Friday’s list you would like : )

  22. Loved the teaser !! Im going to pop over to goodreads and add it to my trb pile ! 🙂 for sure !! The thing I love most about vampires is to love eternally, the bite and quiet often the hot sex ** waggles eyebrows ** they are very lustful creatures !! lol.

    I ve twittered your comp 😉!/run_with_wolves/status/191865031351218176

    and also facebooked as well .!/Nightwalker74/posts/417303848297148
    ( katrina whittaker ))

  23. Thanks Katrina. Glad you stopped by 🙂

  24. I just find vampires sexy as hell. Males and females. You’re book sounds excellent. I will have to TBR it. And there is nothing I like more than a NA male…so yeah…I am all over this.

    Nichelle/aka Nikki Prince

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