Ukraine News Links 30-31 May 2014

31 May 2014 18:35:03 —

OSCE observers released by self-defense in Lugansk region (Voice of Russia)

Ukraine introduces ban on Russian military products supplies – Russian military official (Voice of Russia)

Slavyansk kids and women cross Russian border on foot after Ukraine seizes bus (RT

Ukraine law enforcers hand over LifeNews journalists in handcuffs – Chechnya leader (ITAR-TASS)

The West’s Weaponization of Democracy: Elections Pushed Ahead inUkraine, Obstructed in Syria, So Mass Murder Can Continue (Global Research)

OSCE new negotiator may be appointed within week – Russian official (ITAR-TASS)

US doubles budget of aid to military in Ukraine – media (Voice of Russia)

Donetsk People’s Republic has evidence that Kiev uses foreign mercenaries (Voice of Russia)

Miller: Ukraine requests maximum gas supplies, but payment approaches are not constructive (ITAR-TASS)

Ukraine’s quitting CIS to case catastrophe – Ukrainian political movement’s head (Voice of Russia)

Back to burning: Maidan activists set tires on fire to protest eviction (VIDEO) (RT)

Tires set on fire in center of Kiev in protest against calls to leave Maidan – media (Voice of Russia)

Kiev can suppress resistance only by means of aviation – Donetsk People’s Republic (Voice of Russia)

Ukraine border guards not permit 38 refugees from east Ukraine to enter Russia (ITAR-TASS)

Bilderberg actually talks nukes, euro nationalism and… Barack Obama – leak (RT)

Kiev to try to complete special operation in eastern Ukraine before Poroshenko’s inauguration – DPR (Voice of Russia)

Moscow outraged by OSCE representative’s calls to intensify special operation in Ukraine (Voice of Russia)

Ukrainian military shell downtown Slavyansk in east Ukraine (SCF)

How the Ukrainian Civil War Started (SCF)

Ukraine & Syria: Elections of Mass Destruction (Land Destroyer)

Kadyrov: No Chechen battalions in Ukraine, only 14 volunteers are in south-east (ITAR-TASS)

Slavyansk kids escape to Russia from Kiev’s shelling (RT)

NATO, Russian troops should enter Eastern Ukraine – German General (Voice of Russia)

US ready meals meant for Ukraine’s military go on Internet sale (Voice of Russia)

Kiev must pay gas debt, not threaten to sue Russia – PM Medvedev (Voice of Russia)

Possible withdrawal from CIS to harm Ukraine’s economy – Russian PM Medvedev (Voice of Russia)

Russia’s investigators pledge to prosecute those guilty in civilians’ deaths inUkraine (Voice of Russia)

Ukrainian military shell downtown Slavyansk in eastern Ukraine (Voice of Russia)

US to work closely with EU to cut its Russian gas imports (RT)

US State Department claims Ukraine government shows restraint in army operation in East (ITAR-TASS)

Elections in Ukraine and Syria, Let the Mass Murder Continue (NEO)

Putin discusses Ukraine with Hollande, says Kiev should stop violence (SCF)

Ukraine foreign ministry demands Russia’s explanations on border violations (SCF)

Lavrov tells Kerry US should encourage Kiev to halt military operation (SCF)

Europe Has No Intention to Clean Out Augean Stables Left by Kiev (SCF)

Ukraine’s GDP to drop by 5% in 2014 – Fitch (RT)

Ukraine’s Acting Defense Minister Says Government Pressing on in East

Pro-Russian fighters rest in the regional state building in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk after they stormed and seized the building on May 29.
Putin’s Ukraine ambitions hinge on allies he can’t rely on

The prospect is alluring: long-term influence over a Russian-speaking corridor linking eastern Ukraine and Crimea, ensuring supplies of electricity, …
Obama to meet Ukraine president-elect in Poland

WASHINGTON — The Ukraine crisis and awkward moments around Russian President Vladimir Putin promise to dominate President Barack Obama’s …
Second group of Ukraine monitors out of contact

KIEV, Ukraine — The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe lost contact Friday with a five-member team in east Ukraine, where four …
Russian Forces Back Off Ukraine Border as Fighting Rages

Russia has pulled back most of its troops from the border with Ukraine, according to a U.S. defense official, as government forces continued a …
Ukraine Is Desperate to Escape What Europe’s Far-Right Wants to Become

French far-right party National Front (FN) president Marine Le Pen. French far-right party National Front President Marine Le Pen. Just as Ukraine …
With Country in Turmoil, Ukraine Gets a Fight

Oleksandr Usyk was so excited about winning heavyweight gold at the London Olympics that he broke into a traditional Ukrainian dance in the ring to …
Canadians fly Ukraine’s Open Skies

A Canadianled Open Skies observation mission over Ukraine went off without a hitch Thursday, staying well away from the violence-plagued east of …

‘Ukraine unrest not affecting us,’ says local outsourcer Luxoft, but it’s transferring jobs west anyway
While IT outsourcers based in Ukraine have reported that the situation there is not hampering their operations, the country’s crisis is starting to have …

Ukraine crisis: India asks nationals to leave Donetsk, Lugansk

New Delhi: India today asked its nationals, particularly students, to leave Donetsk and Lugansk regions in eastern Ukraine which is witnessing …

Crimea, Ukraine – Jewish-Crimean Association Says Bank Account Emptied InUkraine
Vos Iz Neias (Yiddish: What’s News?) ? admin
Crimea, Ukraine – Approximately 3,177 US dollars disappeared from a bank account in Crimea belonging to a Jewish organization. Ria Novosti …

Military op to continue in E. Ukraine until ‘stability’ restored – defense minister
Prison ? admin
RT May 30, 2014. Kiev army will continue military operation against the country’s east until the situation in the region stabilizes, says Ukraine’s …

Report from the frontlines in SE Ukraine May 30th
Signs of the Times
Sources report that the Donbas Army action at Donetsk Airport was a trap involving proposed negotiations with certain Ukraine Army units under the …

Ukraine: Death Road to Airport – Rss Feed
More footage has emerged of the aftermath of fighting on the roads leading to Donetsk airport in Ukraine, including an abandoned ambulance with it’s …

Respect and Killing in Eastern Ukraine
The Feed
Just days after Vladimir said that he would respect the outcome of Ukraine’s election, pro-Russian forces shot down a helicopter in Donetsk, killing 12.

US Demands Russia Force Separatists to Surrender in Ukraine
News From ? Jason Ditz
Kerry also reportedly confronted Russia about allegations of Chechen fighters entering Ukraine on Russia’s behalf, a rather absurd notion considering …

No UK troops for Nato’s Ukraine war games
Left Futures ? Jon Lansman
Stop the War Coalition are calling for signatures for a petition against the NATO joint exercises withUkrainian troops within Ukraine which is not a …

Russia Removes Most Troops From Ukraine Border, Pentagon Confirms
News From ? Jason Ditz
Russian promises to end a training operation along the border with Ukraine and return the troops to base were initially condemned by the Obama …

NDP Supports Democracy and Diplomacy in Ukraine
Canada’s NDP
“The resilience and determination of the Ukrainian people in the face of violence and intimidation by armed groups is impressive and inspiring,” said …

Israel-Russia ties strong despite Ukraine
Center for The National Interest
Israel-Russia ties strong despite Ukraine. Author: Paul J. Saunders Posted April 7, 2014. US Secretary of State John Kerry’s call for a “reality check” in …

Ukraine to push on with army offensive, row grows over Russian fighters reports
Yahoo News
KIEV/DONETSK Ukraine (Reuters) – Ukraine’s government vowed on Friday to press ahead with a military offensive against separatists, despite a …

Ukraine vows to bring peace to east
Ukrainian forces will continue their offensive against rebels until peace and order are restored in the east of the country, the interim defence minister …

Second European monitoring team missing in east Ukraine
Yahoo News
From Yahoo News: A second team of European monitors was reported missing in restive eastern Ukraine on Friday despite army claims it had …

Ukraine policy dilemma for Putin

Watch the video Ukraine policy dilemma for Putin on Yahoo News . As President Putin signs a deal to create a new trading bloc, separatists in Ukraine …

Is Russia orchestrating east Ukraine violence?
Russia is widely accused of orchestrating the separatist insurgency in Ukraine’s eastern provinces despite the Kremlin’s attempts to portray it as a …

Rebels shoot down Ukraine helicopter, 14 dead: acting president
Yahoo News
From Yahoo News: KIEV (Reuters) – Pro-Russian separatists on Thursday shot down a Ukrainian military helicopter in eastern Ukraine and 14 people …

BBG Networks Provide Election Coverage in Ukraine
VOA reporter Daniel Schearf and video journalist Arash Arabasadi (with fixer Anna Pyatetska) interview Ukrainian man. Kyiv, Ukraine, March 25, 2014.

Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine
This update is provided for the media and the public. The situation in Luhansk and Donetsk remained volatile. Other parts of Ukraine remained calm.

30 May 2014

Poland’s Hand in Ukraine Coup d’Etat: Trained Putchists Two Months in Advance, on Behalf of US-NATO (SCF)

Pentagon Triples Aid To Ukraine, To Dispatch Delegation (Stop NATO)

Obama’s West Point speech: A prescription for unending war (Greanville Post)

Russia’s investigators pledge to prosecute those guilty in civilians’ deaths in Ukraine (ITAR-TASS)

Ukraine foreign ministry demands Russia’s explanations on border violations (ITAR-TASS)

Ukraine estimates its losses in Crimea at “hundreds of billions of dollars” (ITAR-TASS)

America, an Irresistible Force, Confronts China, an Immovable Object (Greanville Post)

Interview: Russia, China, Non-aligned Countries Should Call To Abolish NATO (Stop NATO)

RF minister: Gazprom has more grounds to seek arbitration over gas dispute with Ukraine (ITAR-TASS)

Ukraine: New “President” Pays Fighters 16 Times Average Salary (Global Research)

NATO Chief Dresses Russia Down, Reiterates Article 5 War Resolve (Stop NATO)

Putin in talk with Hollande stresses that Kiev must stop violence inUkraine’s southeast (ITAR-TASS)

Medvedev says Ukraine to decide itself on withdrawing from CIS (ITAR-TASS)

Lavrov calls on US to influence Kiev to stop combat operations in Ukraine’s south-east (ITAR-TASS)

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