Wikileaks Newslinks 20 April 2013

20 April 2013 —


Google’s Eric Schmidt talks WikiLeaks with founder Julian Assange

Christian Science Monitor

Google executive Eric Schmidt and former Secretary of State advisor Jared Cohen, who runs Google Ideas, decided to pay the WikiLeaks founder a visit in 2011, according to transcripts recently released by WikiLeaks. They met with Mr. Assange as part of …


WikiLeaks to release more US diplomatic records

Business Line

Whistleblowing website WikiLeaks was to publish today, more than 1.7

million US diplomatic and intelligence documents from the 1970s, founder

Julian Assange revealed. The website has collated a variety of records

including cables, intelligence reports …


Osama Bin Laden raid member can be WikiLeaks witness – The Frontier Post

Frontier Post

FORT MEADE: A military judge cleared the way Wednesday for a member of the

team that raided Osama bin Laden’s compound to testify at the trial of an

Army private charged in a massive leak of US secrets to the Wikileaks

website. Col. Denise Lind ruled …


Wikileaks releases a fascinating secret chat between Eric Schmidt and Julian …


Now you can find out for yourself. Wikileaks has published the full

transcript of a secret five-hour chat between Eric Schmidt and Julian

Assange that took place in June of 2011. The conversation was a part of

research for Schmidt’s latest book, The …


Wikileaks Releases Secret Chat Between Assange And Google CEO Schmidt


In conducting research, Cohen and Schmidt set up a meeting with Wikileaks

founder Julian Assange while he was under house arrest in 2011. In true

Google and Wikileaks fashion, the entire interview was transcribed and has

now been released online.


Transcript of Julian Assange, Eric Schmidt Chat Posted on WikiLeaks

PC Magazine

WikiLeaks today released the full transcript of a five-hour conversation

between Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt and the whistleblowing

site’s founder Julian Assange. The two held a secret meeting in 2011 —

while Assange was under house arrest …,2817,2417957,00.asp


Lawmakers Cite Boston Bombing, WikiLeaks “Hacking” as Reasons to Pass CISPA

Slate Magazine (blog)

North Korean hackers and the Boston bombings might not appear to have much

in common. But not according to some American lawmakers, who are using both

to justify passing a controversial cybersecurity bill that civil liberties

advocates claim …


Eric Schmidt: Money is the only reason Julian Assange redacted WikiLeaks files

Foreign Policy (blog)

Back in 2011, Google executive Eric Schmidt conducted a secret interview

with Julian Assange while the WikiLeaks founder was under house arrest in

Britain. The nature of the interview has not been revealed until now, a

week before the release of …


Five-hour talk between Google’s Schmidt, Wikileaks founder released


Wikileaks has published a five-hour long conversation between former Google

CEO Eric Schmidt and Wikileaks’ head man Julian Assange. The recording’s

rather timely release coincides with the launch of Schmidt’s book, “The New

Digital Age” which is …


Wikileaks Julian Assange and Google Eric Schmidt Conversation Revealed

Latinos Post

Supporters of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange hold a vigil ahead of his

appearance and speech at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London December 20,

2012. (Photo : Reuters). Wikileaks has released the transcript of a

previously secret 2011 meeting …


WikiLeaks releases five-hour conversation between Julian Assange and …


Schmidt asks Assange about his feelings on the damage that is caused by his

website’s information leaks, to which Assange compares WikiLeaks to

YouTube. He says that like Google, WikiLeaks cannot review every piece of

information uploaded to its site.


Russian, Israeli mafia exist in Goa: WikiLeaks cable – Zee News

Zee News

Russian, Israeli mafia exist in Goa: WikiLeaks cable Panaji: Goa Chief

Minister Manohar Parrikar does not believe that Russian and Israeli mafias

operate in Goa, but Mumbai police are sure of it, WikiLeaks has claimed

citing a recently declassified US …


WikiLeaks Outs Secret Assange Meeting With Google Chairman


… Picasa, or Chrome) to add slatester’s video to your playlist. Sign in.

Statistics Report. Published on Apr 19, 2013. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt,

who said he was “obviously sympathetic” to WikiLeaks, asked about its

founding and the technology …


Wikileaks releases transcript of secret meeting between Google’s Eric Schmidt …


When asked about why he created WikiLeaks, Assange said he did so in

response to what he saw as too many “unjust acts.” JA: Let me first frame

this. I looked at something that I had seen going on with the world. Which

is that I thought there were too …


WikiLeaks Outs Secret Assange Meeting With Google Chairman (VIDEO)

Slate Magazine (blog)

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt, who said he was “obviously sympathetic” to

WikiLeaks, asked about its founding and the technology behind it. Want more

of your favorite content on the MSN homepage? Try the news, sports or

entertainment editons. Share on …


Wikileaks’ Julian Assange asked Google’s Eric Schmidt to release information …


There’s a lot to chew on in the just-released, previously secret transcript

of a conversation between Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and Google board

chairman Eric Schmidt—the two talked about everything from Bitcoin to

Assange’s “crazed” female …


Press Lose Bid to Shine a Light on Manning Trial

Courthouse News Service

The Center for Constitutional Rights along with several journalists,

including WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, asked the court to ensure

members of the press and public have access to court documents and

transcripts in Manning’s case. With Manning …


Julian Assange’s secret chat with Google’s chairman

CBS News

During the wide-ranging five-hour interview, Schmidt expressed interest in

WikiLeaks’ inner workings and Assange’s role in developing the technology

behind it. Assange said the genesis of the site was in response to what he

saw as a “crippled …


Old Transcript Of Chit Chat Between Google Chairman And Assange Released

Pentagon Post

google 60Assange02b_270x258. A new transcript was released by wikileaks

which showed that Google chairperson Eric Schmidt had a five hour long

conversation with the founder of Wikileaks; Julian Assange. The secret

meeting had occurred back in June …


Julian Assange, Eric Schmidt Discuss Censorship, Bitcoin And The Internet In …


It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything about Julian Assange, the

WikiLeaks founder that’s still hiding out in the Ecuadorian embassy in

London after the UK approved his extradition to Sweden. During that time,

he has entertained a number of …


Assange to Google’s Schmidt: ‘I don’t use email’


The lengthy transcript of the meeting with Schmidt offers an interesting

fly-on-the-wall account of a wide-ranging conversation between two

technology luminaries, with Assange recounting anecdotes of his Wikileaks

work and weaknesses in computer …


Julian Assange to run party for participating in general elections of Senate

YEREVAN, APRIL 19, ARMENPRESS: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange plans to

run for political office in Australia. The Queensland-born fugitive says he

intends to contest an upper house seat in the senate at a general election

due later this year, reports …


So much fuss over ‘weakiLeaks’

New Straits Times

WIKILEAKS has heralded India’s silly season quite early. And I have a bone

to pick. I have known many diplomats and have briefed quite a few. My wise

words may have been part of their cables sent back home. But they haven’t

yet figured in any of the leaks.


Seductive songs

The Guardian

If the judges rule (Editorial, 19 April) that communications (eg WikiLeaks)

emanating from diplomatic missions are protected by the Vienna convention,

all such material held by their receiving governments will also be

protected. The purpose of the …


WikiLeaker Assange, Google’s Schmidt and a secret 5-hour chinwag


The WikiLeaks whistle-blowing website, founded by Assange, has this week

leaked what is said to be a transcript of the pair’s five-hour confab. The

document was uploaded ahead of the publication of a book titled The New

Digital Age: Reshaping the …


US feared India would intervene in Bangladesh after coup

The Hindu

Fresh evidence of the U.S.’ concern has surfaced in diplomatic cables

obtained and made public by WikiLeaks recently. The communications provide

fascinating details about Washington’s nervousness. On November 27, 1975,

Secretary of State Henry …


WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange schools Google’s Eric Schmidt on Bitcoin

Upstart (blog)

In June of 2011 the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, was holed up in

Norfolk, England, awaiting word on his possible extradition to Sweden for

rape charges, which he denies. While there he took a rather interesting

house guest, Google Chairman …


“US isolated in Venezuela as Latam supports Maduro?” Oh, come on!

Financial Times (blog)

Perhaps the most revealing feature of the wikileaks publication of US

diplomatic cables a few years ago is that it showed that what Washington

said in public to other governments is also what is said to them in

private. By contrast, many other …


That American tone in the cables

Times of India

Such bold, cheeky and at times disrespectful commentaries on all things

Indian are laid bare in the Wikileaks cables. Along with drab reporting of

political developments, the cables have a common line to flesh out Indian

characters and situations. So …


Distinguishing a whistleblower from a spy

Manila Standard Today

Most damaging was the film clip handed to WikiLeaks by American soldier,

Private Bradley Manning, showing how a group of Iraqi students strolling on

their way to their class was mercilessly gunned down by machine-gun fire

coming from a helicopter …


Bradley Manning Update: How to Commit Espionage Without Trying!


The video became a major embarassment to Washington and, while there was a

lot about the Wikileaks revelations that made Washington very unhappy, this

video provoked the final pull on the trigger. The U.S. government

determined to go after Wikileaks …


Today’s Scuttlebot: Weightless Water, and Google Meets Wikileaks …


The technology reporters and editors of The New York Times scour the Web

for important and peculiar items. For Friday, selections include the

growing use of facial recognition software by law enforcement, a transcript

of a meeting in 2011 …


Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange … – WikiLeaks

On the 23 of June, 2011 a secret five hour meeting took place between

WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who was under house arrest in rural UK

at the time …


Secret Chat Between Julian Assange and Eric Schmidt Published …

New submitter milkasing writes “The Verge reports, ‘Google chairman Eric

Schmidt and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange secretly met in 2011 and held

a …


Video: Dreamliner, Wikileaks, Amazon Studios: 90 Seconds on The …

A senior member of Christian clergy… a chess piece that just *has* to

move in some arbitrary way… mulled spice wine… the writer for

approximately 32.3 percent …


About PlusD – WikiLeaks

The WIKILEAKS Public Library of US Diplomacy (PlusD) holds the world’s

largest searchable collection of United States confidential, or formerly

confidential, …


Wikileaks publishes transcript of ‘secret’ talk between Julian …

WikiLeaks has produced a transcript of a “secret” meeting between

Google CEO Eric Schmidt and WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who at the

time was …

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