Wikileaks/Bradley Manning Newslinks 8 December 2012

8 December

Brig Chief Denies Punishing GI in WikiLeaks Case

ABC News

A former Marine Corp brig commander says she never intended it as punishment when she ordered underwear removed from an Army private charged with giving classified material to WikiLeaks. Chief Warrant Officer 2 Denise Barnes testified Friday on the …


No attempt to ‘punish’ WikiLeaks suspect Manning

New Straits Times

FORT MEADE: Another of the military officials who oversaw WikiLeaks suspect

Bradley Manning‘s detention at a Virginia military prison testified Friday

that he was kept on suicide watch for his own protection, never to

“punish” him. Chief Warrant …


Anonymous Member Convicted in UK for Pro-Wikileaks Attacks


A London jury found Christopher Weatherhead, a 22-year-old self described

“hacktivist,” guilty of carrying out a campaign of Distributed Denial of

Service attacks against major credit card companies that refused to process

online donations to WikiLeaks

See all stories on this topic:


British student accused of PayPal revenge attacks over WikiLeaks funding

The Voice of Russia

A British court has convicted a 22-year-old for allegedly being a ‘key

figure’ behind Anonymous’ DDoS attack on PayPal in revenge for its freezing

WikiLeaks payments, Russia Today reports. Christopher Weatherhead, also

known as Nerdo, was convicted by …


Time To Pay, Pal: UK student convicted over WikiLeaks revenge attack


A student has been found guilty in a British Court of involvement in a

cyber attack on global online payment companies. Paypal, Visa and

Mastercard were targeted after it blocked off funds meant for

whistleblowing site Wikileaks. RT LIVE


Brig Chief: Order For GI in WikiLeaks Case To Strip Naked Was For …

By sjohnson2

A former Marine Corp brig commander says she never intended it as

punishment when she ordered underwear removed from an Army private charged

with giving classified material to WikiLeaks.


2nd Brig Commander Taking Stand In WikiLeaks Case « CBS DC

By timothybella

Testimony in the WikiLeaks case has resumed with the second of two Marine

Corps brig commanders who ordered strict pretrial confinement of an Army

private charged with sending classified information to the anti-secrecy



Brig chief denies punishing GI in WikiLeaks case

FORT MEADE, Md. (AP) — A former Marine Corp brig commander says she never

intended it as punishment when she ordered underwear removed from an Army

private charged with giving classified material to WikiLeaks. Chief Warrant


Bradley Manning pretrial hearing expected to end next week

Washington Post

… of classified documents to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, with

lawyers expected to present closing arguments next Wednesday. Army Pfc.

Bradley Manning, 24, is charged with 22 offenses ranging from improper use

of a computer to aiding the enemy.


FAIR TV: Bradley Manning Blackout, Tax Hike Spin, Covering Poverty– and …

FAIR (blog)

The stories that came out due to the information Bradley Manning allegedly

leaked have been explosive, front page news. But his trial? Not so much.

And Maria Bartiromo told Meet the Press that tax increases on the wealthy

are really tax increases for …


Bradley Manning’s ‘Unlawful Pretrial Punishment’ Hearing, Day 9


Pfc. Bradley Manning is back in military court at Fort Meade for another

day of his “unlawful pretrial punishment” hearing. The government is

still calling witnesses to the stand. Chief Warrant Officer 2 Denise Barnes

will take the stand today. She is …


Bradley Manning Trial Resumes With Testimony From Second Marine Corps …

Huffington Post

Chief Warrant Officer 2 Denise Barnes testified Friday on the ninth day of

Pfc. Bradley Manning‘s pretrial hearing at Fort Meade. He claims the nine

months he spent in maximum custody at the base in Quantico, Va., were

illegal punishment, and his case …


NY Times won’t Send Reporter to Bradley Manning Trial

Opposing Views

Again, we’re talking about a large amount of classified government

documents, highlighting lies to the public by the administration, and which

were leaked to Wikileaks by Bradley Manning. The documents were, at first,

released in excerpts along with …


Jailer: GI in WikiLeaks case needed to speak up


When Pfc. Bradley Manning did speak up, his crack about hanging himself

with his underwear only heightened the concern for his safety, Chief

Warrant Officer 2 Denise Barnes said, so she ordered him to be stripped

naked each night. “There was never an …


Bradley Manning’s Defense Grills Former Brig Commanding Officer …

By Kevin Gosztola

The commanding officer in charge of the Quantico Marine Brig, who took over

in the middle of January 2011 while Pfc.


FAIR TV: Bradley Manning Blackout, Tax Hike Spin, Covering …

By Peter Hart

The stories that came out due to the information Bradley Manning allegedly

leaked have been explosive, front page news. But his trial? Not so much.

And Maria Bartiromo told Meet the Press that tax increases on the wealthy

are really tax …


Jailer: Manning needed to speak up – Army News | News from …

When Pfc. Bradley Manning did speak up, his crack about hanging himself

with his underwear only heightened the concern for his safety, Chief

Warrant Officer 2 Denise Barnes said, so she ordered him to be stripped

naked each night.


Jailer: Manning Should’ve Just Said Something if He Objected to …

By Jason Ditz

The harsh treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning at the since-closer brig in

Quantico has become virtually legendary at this point, with guards seizing

his slippers and underpants and making him stand naked outside his cell at

times. During one …

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