Syria Newslinks 18-19 November 2011

19 November 2011 —

19 November 2011
The Arab League: Prelude to a US-NATO-led military campaign against Syria Today at 16:22
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.

Syria targeted for imperialist intrigue after Arab League suspension
World Socialist Web Site Today at 09:07
The Arab League’s three-day deadline for Syria to meet its terms or face suspension cannot possibly be met.

Syria faces Arab League deadline
BBC News Today at 09:00
Violence continues in Syria as a three-day deadline set by the Arab League approaches for the government to halt its crackdown on protesters.

Hague set to meet Syrian rebels
BBC News Today at 04:41
British Foreign Secretary William Hague is to meet Syrian rebel leaders in London on Monday, the Foreign Office says.

Britain to meet Syrian opposition
Strategic Culture Foundation Today at 04:32

Syrian civil war possible if opposition grows: Clinton
Strategic Culture Foundation Today at 04:30

Protests renew in Syria as Russia warns of civil war
Strategic Culture Foundation Today at 02:31

18 November 2011
Syria’s sanctions: France says too late for reforms Yesterday at 19:44
Damascus earlier agreed in principle to let international observers enter the country, apparently to comply with an Arab League ultimatum for the regime to stop the violence by Saturday.

Iraq’s Sadr supports Syrian president
Strategic Culture Foundation Yesterday at 12:38

Ashton says Syria’s Assad must step down
Strategic Culture Foundation Yesterday at 12:34

Syria ‘to accept’ League mission
BBC News Yesterday at 12:14
Syria will accept an Arab League mission to observe the implementation of peace proposals aimed at ending violence, a Damascus source tells the BBC.

France urges new Syria sanctions
BBC News Yesterday at 11:22
France calls for tougher sanctions against Syria and urges the UN Security Council to act to stop violent repression of protesters by Damascus.

‘Dialogue with Iran, caution on Syria,’ Moscow advises Yesterday at 10:17
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Catherine Ashton on Thursday in Moscow, where the serious problems concerning Iran and Syria topped the agenda.

Victor Nieto, “Picturing the Arab League” (Cartoon) Yesterday at 07:14
Cf. ‘Given the impossibility of obtaining UN approval for an attack on Syria or Iran, it’s clear as the Qatar sky what’s going on. Arm and finance a group of revolutionaries and get them to start an uprising. When the state cracks down, get the opposition to call for western intervention.

Church groups condemn US-NATO Plot against Syria Yesterday at 06:15
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.

Syria’s unrest-hit Hama gradually recovers from violence
Strategic Culture Foundation Yesterday at 05:52

Venezuela: Nuclear Conflict Looms ahead if Iran and Syria are Attacked Yesterday at 05:44

Sanctioning Syria: The Long Road to Damascus Yesterday at 00:22
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.

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