Wikileaks Newslinks 30 October 2011

30 October 2011 —

Wikileaks & Free Speech
MWC News
On 28 October 2011 The Age On–line National Times published an article by Julian Assange (editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks) and Jennifer Robinson (a London media and human rights lawyer) about the recent case in which the Australian Federal Court found …

Former IDF soldier sentenced to 4.5 years for leaking documents to Haaretz
Anat Kamm was originally charged with espionage for collecting documents from the IDF and handing them writer Uri Blau in Israeli ‘wikileaks’ scandal; her final conviction was reached in a plea bargain. By Tomer Zarchin Tags: Anat Kamm The Tel Aviv …

Nokia’s Mango Phones, Amazon Ups Fire Production, and More
By IDG News Service, PCWorld Oct 28, 2011 4:00 PM On World Tech Update this week, Nokia launches two Windows Phones, Sony buys Sony Ericsson, Amazon boosts Kindle Fire production, Wikileaks stops publishing classified files and new technology tracks …

Another Grim Week for RIM
Meanwhile, Netflix shocks investors, Apple tunes in on TV and payment services choke WikiLeaks. Research In Motion (Nasdaq: RIMM) continues its trend of getting beaten up week after week with more and more bad news. This time, it had to swallow three …

VC offers lecture on cryptography
Victoria Advocate
Digital information thefts and leaks have made headlines recently including
the Playstation network failure, Wikileaks and other security breaches at
credit card processing vendors and various banking institutions. On Friday,
Victoria College’s Zeta …

Mugabe, Mujuru sworn enemies?
This information is contained in a US diplomatic cable leaked by
whistleblowing website WikiLeaks. The cable was sent by former US
Ambassador to Zimbabwe Christopher Dell. “Msipa was well aware of the
rift between (President) Mugabe and Solomon Mujuru. …

Kingston University chucks out PCs in major virtualisation push
The university currently supports 7000 PCs for staff and student use across
four campuses and additional satellite offioces, mostly Windows XP systems
with around 1000 staff laptops and 1000 that dual boot Apple’s OS X.
Wikileaks – fearless …

US Embassy air quality data undercut China’s own assessments
Los Angeles Times
Diplomatic cables released this year through WikiLeaks reveal that the
Chinese government has asked the US Embassy to stop publishing its data,
which is posted hourly on Twitter at @beijingair, an account that has 9200
followers. …,0,4899208.story

Before we occupy: constructive advice to president -1
And that was not the only swindle that year. Like, Thomas Jefferson,
1743-1826, “Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is
just”…. $2BILLION OIL BLOCK SOLD FOR $5M. Forget Wikileaks; read
DeleLeaks. We have been robbed. …

US drone strikes fail to mobilise Pakistan masses
US cables leaked by WikiLeaks showed that the government privately
acquiesces in the drone strikes, even if it does not pay to say so in
public. “The Pakistani army supports drone strikes because they are
efficient for eliminating TTP (Taliban) people …

Badal gives clean chit to ex-DGP Izhar Alam on human rights violations
Times of India
The cable, which had been exposed by WikiLeaks, said Alam assembled a
large, personal paramilitary force of approximately 150 men known as the
“Black Cats” or “Alam Sena” (“Alam’s Army”) that included cashiered police
officers and rehabilitated Sikh …

The west wants to control arab spring
Times of India
WikiLeaks and Assange seriously threaten the corporate media which has long
protected government secrets and designs while pretending to demonstrate
the qualities of a free press. After a long time, under the Occupy Wall
Street banner, people in the …

New Saudi Crown Prince Is Counter-Terror Veteran
ABC News
Nayef, 78, has been the Kingdom’s interior minister since 1975, overseeing
internal security, and according to a 2009 US State Department cable leaked
by WikiLeaks, his world view is framed by US/Saudi cooperation, the threat
from Iran, and thwarting …

Iran &Israel’s Armageddon Option?
Although Saudi Arabia, as revealed by Wikileaks, has actually appealed to
the US to attack Iran, an Israeli solo attack would likely arouse the ire
of the Arab League and possibly jeopardize the Israeli-Egyptian peace
treaty. …

Occupy Denver 99% ? Frank Roper Beaten Shot by Denver PD Police State
… terror food crisis gold silver revolution inflation ron paul obama
zeitgeist disaster riots protests jobs alex jones retaliation prison planet
info wars nature corporation wikileaks climate change police state
meditation constitutional jesus christ …

The noose tightens on the President
Sri Lanka Guardian
Wikileaks, Darusman Report which is an authentic UN report against Sri
Lanka and last but least Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields documentary by Channel
4 cannot wash away the damning indictment on the government’s direct
complicity in eugenics; …

PPP warns that opposition-led gov’t will give guns to criminals
Demerara Waves
“The very famous Wikileaks said that the PNC had its hand in what took
place in terrorizing the people in Buxton and those same individuals were
part of the killings here in Bartica. Are we going to allow those people to
ever run our country? …

The last laugh
Sunday Star Times
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is another recent subject. But at
Auckland’s Orexart, the 12 portraits that form the show Personal Heroes
required up to 30 separate layers of stencils and paint. There would be
more portraits, says Tamanui, …

Anti-Piracy Bill Raises Free Speech Concerns
The Right Perspective
It also requires “service providers” to the operators of the suspect
web sites to cut off service, just as Mastercard and Visa did to Wikileaks.
A website could be seized merely because a copyright owner filing a piracy
complaint. …

A Letter to Uri: About Libya
Pacific Free Press
… but that their lives had been good; she mentioned the resignation of
the Director-General of pro-rebellion station Al-Jazeera after a Wikileaks
cable revealed he had taken orders from the CIA; on leaving Tripoli she was
distressed to find that the …

Daily Star
A huge man with dreadlocks was droning on about Wikileaks’ founder Julian
Assange. There was a big banner declaring some sort of alliance with
Palestine and more journalists, photographers and camera crews than
demonstrators. If I’d just arrived from, …

A Call To A.R.M.S (All Revolutionary Minded Sojour[Ner]S)
They will shut down the funding streams of truth-telling sites like
Wikileaks! They will work to give the appearance of supporting free speech
while subverting it. In the process they will isolate leaders, manipulate
laymen and bring the movement to …

Assange Extradition Ruling To Come Within Days
WXII The Triad
By the CNN Wire Staff LONDON (CNN) — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will
find out Wednesday whether he is to be extradited to Sweden to face
questioning on sexual misconduct allegations, a UK court said. If the court
rules in his favor, …

Kenya waa inay kala garataa Al-shabaab iyo Soomaaliya
Raxanreeb Online
… warka oo dhamays tiran halkaan ka aqri;
emi-recognition-for-somaliland/, waxyna ka cabsi qabtaa in haddii arrintaas
aan la dedejin ay Soomaaliya dib isugu soo laabato. …

Mr. Cao goes to Vietnam: Revelations in a WikiLeaks cable …
By Bolsavik
Now, a diplomatic cable disclosed in the WikiLeaks database finally (but
only partially) vindicated Cao. The note written by the U.S. Ambassador to
Hanoi reveals that Cao did speak out for freedom of religion in the
country, going so far as a to …

Scripting News: I want to support WikiLeaks
They had a WikiLeaks spokesman explaining how Visa, MasterCard and Paypal
had all shut off donations to WikiLeaks. With close to 100 percent market
share, …

Margaret Jane Manning
Rochelle News Leader
There, she was introduced to her future husband, Bradley Manning, by her
dear friends, Phil and Jean May. She graduated in 1946 with a degree in
political science. Jane and Brad were married on Sept. 21, 1946 in Corydon.
They started their family in …

Government to disclose evidence against WikiLeaks suspect in pre-trial
Washington Times
Now at the Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, prison, Pfc. Bradley Manning will not
be held in the brig at the Marine base in Quantico, Va. His treatment there
stirred a wave of protest from his civilian lawyer and supporters who view
him as a hero. …

Michael Moore Occupies SF
Mission Local
That belonged to WikiLeaks’ informant Bradley Manning, according to Moore,
whom he called the original Occupy instigator for exposing previously
hidden government information. He even proposed re-naming Justin Herman
Plaza to Bradley Manning Plaza in …

Richardson soldier arrested in espionage probe
The arrest comes as the military continues to reap fallout from the
WikiLeaks case, in which former intelligence analyst Pvt. Bradley Manning
is accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of documents to the
anti-secrecy website. …

Top 100 reaches its Silver Anniversary
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Ajay Sadarangani, an equity analyst for Manning & Napier Advisors, Inc.,
works in his office. The company leads this year’s Top 100. / Annette
Lein/staff photographer The Rochester Top 100 is an annual ranking of the
area’s fastest-growing privately …

Arnall Middle School Honor Roll
Newnan Times-Herald
… Brody Hutton, Samantha Huynh,Naomi Laws, Joanna Lechner, Christopher
Manning, Macie Marston, Antravious Martin,Skyler Martin, Ryleigh Mcginnis,
Carly Mclean, Sean Milewski, Caitlyn Moore,Isaac Norenberg, Ellen Park,
Travis Patrick, Fredrick Pepper, …

Heathwood Hall’s hopes are dashed
The State
Team scores: Porter-Gaud 19, Pinewood Prep 74, Wilson Hall 105, Heathwood
Hall 119, Hammond 151, Cardinal Newman 156, Hilton Head Prep 158, Laurence
Manning Academy 240, Northwood Academy 246, Augusta Christian 272, Ben
Lippen 285, Orangeburg Prep 308. …

Black Cat Chase 5K Results
… Brad Eaton 26:41, Joseph McGrath 26:51, Ryan Watts 26:59, Jim Bondurant
27:34, Jeremy Vincent 27:34, Charles Williamson 28:17, Matt Parsons 28:21,
Landon Chelf 28:53, Adam Pierce 28:58, John Bevington 29:24, Michael
Manning 29:37, Chris Dove 29:45, …

Crackdowns Show What the State is Made Of « The Daily Attack
By Rj
Like Bradley Manning, they could have refused complicity in wrongdoing and
joined in resisting it. Like Iraq War veteran Scott Olsen did when he
became active in anti-war organizations, they can stop doing harm and start
healing the harms …

Kamm Accepts Plea Deal for Five Year Sentence « Tikun Olam-????? …
By Richard Silverstein
Now, Kamm becomes the Israeli version of Bradley Manning and Shamai
Leibowitz, both of whom (Manning is imprisoned but not yet tried or
convicted) were sentenced to jail sentences for obeying their conscience
and revealing secrets that …

Bradley Manning | TPM Idea Lab
‘Homeless Hacker’ Christopher Doyon, AKA ‘Commander X,’ Joins Up With
Occupy Movement. By Ryan J. Reilly – October 27, 2011, 5:30PM. Christopher

Bradley Manning « #opManning
If anyone personifies the best ideals of Anonymous, it’s Bradley Manning.
Many people the world over have been awakened by the information he
allegedly …

Ian Bicking – Google+ – greenwald: bradley manning ended the iraq …
mike bayer originally shared this post: greenwald: bradley manning ended
the iraq war ! WikiLeaks cables and the Iraq War. Yet another
accomplishment for the …

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