糧食危機 : 問題及救援 | Food Crisis: Problem & Rescue


糧食危機 : 問題 (浪費食物) 及救援 (食物銀行)
了解更多: http://www.go.asia

Food Crisis: Problem (Food Waste) and Rescue (Food Bank) 
Food crisis is not only about the famine caused by natural disaster; sadly it is now more about the uneven distribution of food resources. 1/3 of the world’s food is lost and wasted while one in seven people are suffering from hunger. To understand the problem of food waste and support the rescue program will help to eliminate this imbalance situation.
For more:  http://www.go.asia

1. 主辦單位 | The Organizer
2.《我.惜.食.》 | Think.Cook.Save.
3.《為食起革命》 | Food Revolution
4.《健康擇食小廚神》 | Eat Smart Little Chef
5. 糧食危機及救援 | Food Crisis and Rescue
6. 城市耕作 | Urban Farming
7. 食物銀行.亞洲 | Foodbank.Asia
8.《思前。食後。厲行節約》反食物浪費活動 | Think.Eat.Save. Reduce your foodprint program: Anti-Food Waste Campaign

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