My 5 Year Plan

In September of 2012 I left my job working in professional sports and am working towards going back to school for physical therapy (which is going to take me 5 years!).  To help keep myself on track I’ve put together (a rough) 5 year plan that will live here on it’s own page on the blog for me to check in on.

**UPDATE 5/15 – this place turned into a bit more than 5 years!  Updated timeline is reflected below!**


October – December 2012 

Since I won’t be starting classes until January 2013, a lot of these next few months is going to be ME time!  I’m going to take the time to do some of the things I’ve really wanted to do but never had the time to.  I love that I’m going to take this time for myself to transition before starting 5 years of school.

The one thing I will definitely be doing is a Yoga Teacher Training program. While I’m not totally sure I ever see myself teaching yoga I think it will be great experience to not only build my personal yoga practice, but I think a lot of what I learn can be applied to physical therapy (and may even look good when I apply to schools!).

I also need to use these next few months to look into and plan out the prerequisite classes I need to take.

** Update – Yoga Teacher Training completed December 2012!**

January 2013 to May 2016

Working on completing all of the prerequisites I need to apply to a 3 year Doctorate of Physical Therapy program.  Not having any science background I’m pretty much starting from scratch, here’s what I’ll need to do:

  • A LOT of science classes (you name it, I have to take it), this year and a half includes classes over the summer
  • study for and take the GRE’s
  • 50-100 hours of observation time in a Physical Therapy setting
  • Apply to DPT programs (and REALLY hope I get in!)

**Update – Applied & accepted at DPT Program to start summer 2016!**

June 2016 – sometime in 2019

  • Doctorate of Physical Therapy Program!

**Update – I started in a DPT program in June of 2016 and am expected to graduate January of 2019!**