Modi feeds Trump, Narcissism!


Modi Trump bear hug, while Melania looks on!

President Trump declares to media here in USA, week ahead of is visit to India that Prime Minister Modi has promised to greet him with 7 million people; that is 70 Lakhs for those Indians reading my blog – narcissism much!

Modi is a self proclaimed businessman; every Gujarati is, but Trump is a businessman; a failed one at it, but claims he is a deal-maker. Modi knows grass is best fed to cows to milk and Trump, narcissism. Can Modi milk Trump or will it be just a spectacle verses substance.

Modi is building a 22 kilometer wall to hide the slums from Trump motorcade passing through Ahmedabad to welcome him at a biggest Cricket stadium in India. So much for those poor Indians who had offered Poojas (pun intended) for Trump to win the election in 2016. I love to here this quote from Trump,

My best friend Modi has built such a beautiful wall, very beautiful and HUGE!, those Do Nothing Democrats will never let me build a wall like this.

Now to understand Trump’s ego being hurt, we have to visit the inauguration picture that he posted in his #Whitehouse; a fake one. The real comparison with Barack Obama’s inaugural is pictured below.

Trump Inaugural crowd on left verses Obamas on right – courtesy The Guardian

It is just that till date Barack Obama is more popular in America and respected around the world. Here’s a recent tweet from Obama which has garnered close to a million likes. Trumps most likes have reached 200K #SAD (dragging the hands away).

The above tweet has hurt him so much that he had to issue a statement from his four walls of  West Wing, reporters tweeted in response to hold some press conference if he had some real marbles.

Here is another retweet he has done, don’t know who is this Sol but claims herself Master Memetician and this man feeds on these things.

Well narcissism much!

I will just leave this picture here, just in case Kellyanne Conway feels this was too juvenile and plans to delete it.


George Conway is no psychiatrist but long back has declared that our President needs help!; Kellyanne I think you should meet your husband once in a while.

How can I end my blog without mentioning our beautiful FLOTUS Melanie err… Melania Trump. She has planned to visit Delhi government school, which has aced the education system beating National School and esteemed private schools. She is there to preach India #BeBest, if only she turned around and looked at her husband and step sons, the world would BeBest.






America is BERNing again


With Donald J. Trump’s gaffe as President mounting or so the democratic party thinks, is jumping in record number to throw their hat in the ring to compete against Trump in 2020.

The first one to declare her candidacy was Tulsi Gabbard, a little known U.S. representative from Hawaii although she is very well known for supporting Dictator Assad, I wonder if she was inspired by Narendra D. Modi who won with handsome majority using his Hindu card in India. Tulsi is the only Hindu candidate to ever run for the office in America period. Then came the most viable and popular candidates Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris. Yes democrats had a tremendous success in Mid-term elections with electing record number of female candidates across the country, so even though world thought that America would elect their first female and most popular candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016, there is tremendous hope in 2020. Democratic hopefuls list keeps growing with Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker and ten other candidates, check the complete list here.

Bernie Sanders is a repeat candidate, which is rare in American Presidential candidacy, but Bernie believes that he was robbed of his pick in 2016 against Hillary by DNC, with the caveat of Super Delegates.

AGE: Bernie will be the oldest candidate to run for office if nominated on Democratic ticket, Americans prefer young and healthy President in office. Trump is an exception, because his doctors have claimed that he has super gene, if not this obese, he would live up to two hundred years. He is also an exception for being racist, xenophobic and sexist. But Bernie being the oldest candidate has serious young generation following, no wonder he had huge crowd at his first 2020 campaign kickoff at Brooklyn College.

SOCIALISM: Bernie’s primary agenda is to fight against big corporations, provide free college education, free health care like other developed nations for all and levy heavy taxes on the wealthy top one per-centers since 2016 much else has changed. It is this socialism that DNC got scared and tilted their support towards Hillary in 2016. Knowing this, Trump has already launched a massive campaign attack against democratic party as socialistic for 2020 re-election bid at CPAC. But the difference this time around for Bernie is another young star; recently elected US representative  from New York; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez more popularly known as AOC has rocked socialism. Most of the democratic presidential hopefuls have distanced themselves from socialism but Bernie prefers to call it Democratic Socialism. Socialism is a dirty word in America although it has been applied since ages such as Social Security, Medicare and free education to all until high school. Bernie says that times have changed and High School diploma is not sufficient to get a job instead every American needs a college education to get a job.

How far Bernie will get ahead this time around only time will tell with the crowded hopefuls, although he is the first to kickoff his campaign in full gear. The energy he has demonstrated thus far is commendable. Not far behind him is another most popular candidate still mulling on, Joe Biden.

With the early kickoff Berine sure has shown some steam in the game, but will America BERN this time, only time will tell.



Wars have REAL consequences


In the wake of current Indo-Pak stand off Al Jazeera posted a picture of World Bank on the both nation statistics comparing side by side. The picture above caught my attention.

It all started when Pakistan sponsored JeM terrorists struck the CRPF bus killing more than forty personnel, one of the deadliest terrorist attack since a decade on Feb 14th at Pulwama. The entire nation mourned the loss of brave forces, rightly so they wanted answers from the nation that harbors these terrorists. This time it was no different that Pakistan said it did not harbor JeM.

It took ten days for India to plan and strike the cells of JeM well within the boundary of Pakistan and destroyed there camps, successfully returning back while Pakistan media mocked it’s Military as “Don’t honk, Pakistan Military is sleeping“. This covert operation was no less than what America had carried out to eliminate Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad. But India is yet to eliminate Massod Azhar.

This escalated tensions on both Nuclear armed neighbors, Pakistan launched air strikes against Indian military targets and India responded aptly.  Indian pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman was found in Pak occupied Kashmir as POW. India established that Pakistan had used a missile that was sold by America with a condition that it cannot be used against India. This was a clear violation of the agreement.

Understandably talks began behind closed doors to the release of the Indian POW with international community. President Trump who was busy with his failing Vietnam Summit and barrage of accusations by his long time lawyer(fixer) Michael Cohen at home, he found only one good news to deliver the Hanoi press, stealing the thunder of PM Imran Khan.


With the release of Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, it is a clear victory for India and time to rejoice, but Retd: Air Chief Marshal AY Tipnis cautioned (more so scolded) the media, it is wrong to use high decibels on air and hyperbolic vocabulary, one man stands out for me is Arnab Goswami who has such thin skin being a journalist and a public figure does not have a Twitter account for the fear of public retribution, but barks non stop night after night on TV screens without a rebuttal, another is Rahul Shivshankar at least this man has a twitter account. You are welcome to list more in comments. Mr Tipnis said that media is talking such nonsense that even though India has been wronged by Pakistan, it appears that India is a aggressor in the international community.

With the international pressure or the good will gesture of PM Imran Khan (that’s what he claimed in his Parliament), a brave soldier has returned home.

In the end I wish to change that picture posted above by Al Jazeera to the one below, one day it will happen.




Modi Strikes Jaish; JeM


India has struck 80 KMs inside Pakistan with a precision air strikes in response to the Pulwama attack. It is inappropriate for me to title this opine as Modi strikes; it is more of the Indian Armed Forces that has carried out with vigor. A little credit is due to Prime Minister Modi for taking a call on this strike for being the first Air Strike of India into Pakistan since 1971. Googled the number of terrorist attacks since 1971… I fainted looking at the chart, once I recovered, composed myself to eliminate the ones that were home grown. There are scores that were conducted during Congress rule; more deadlier than Pulwama and couple in one term BJP; PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee administration. But this is the first time a sitting Prime Minister has taken a decisive action against the terrorist in their home ground. So that’s there; Modi Strikes!

Modi was elected in part due his strong hand and 56 inch chest that was needed to address the cross border terrorism from the past which Congress had failed miserably time and again. It would have been apt to strike the terrorist cells upon his swearing in, in 2014. But he chose to give a hug to the then PM of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif to mend a better relationship with our neighbors. The opposition cried that the 56 inch had deflated. Then the URI response happened, the first surgical strike in Indian history on Pakistan soil, opposition called it foul. And here we are after a Pulwama attack, within 10 days the Modi administration has stuck with military might within Pakistan eliminating the terrorist cells successfully. This time around there is no confusion among opposition that the administration has failed.

Now playing the devil’s advocate, what took Modi government to give such a decisive outcome around this time? it’s been almost five years that India elected him with absolute majority for this outcome. Is it that in 2018 the people said that they are turning back to Congress with the election results in Hindi heartland? In conclusion it is the good opposition (Mahagathbandhan) that has compelled Modi to display his 56. It is not mission accomplished yet until JeM‘s Massod Azhar is eliminated. So I urge the opposition to get even stronger and the citizens of India make an educated decision to elect Modi for second term, which he rightly deserves. You have given ten terms to Congress to expect the same failed outcomes hoping for the next one to be better.

Sarah Sanders Speaks…


Sarah Huckabee Sanders

It was refreshing to see Sarah after 40 days, she out ran government shutdown which in itself made a history as the longest shutdown. But I wonder why Sarah went 40 days without a press briefing. Trump had already tweeted in support of her saying, media never respects her, why address them anyways.

Sarah being a true christian had intentionally stayed in hiding for 40 days and 40 nights (Genesis 7:12)(Acts 1:3) from the evil press.

It is extremely cramped for reporters to sit in that small briefing room and wait for Sarah to arrive. She has mastered this art to call the reporters at 2PM and shows up on the podium at 3PM. Today was no different, Brian Karem went in to check on her, who came back with two fingers wagging, a lady reporter in the crowd was surprised that Sarah would show up in two minutes.  Then when adorned the podium, she immediately went to work, “Under President Trump’s leadership, economy is growing…” though she uttered President Trump, her mannerisms sounded like Emperor Trump. The gloating monologue went for another few minutes, I wonder if Trump would like to sit on a throne nearby when Sarah addresses the press, he would have if only press was not allowed to ask questions. Soon she handed over the mic to John Bolton and Steve Mnuchin, her idea was to tire the press by asking them questions. As though these two were not enough she sent out Larry Kudlow for taking the questions on this infamous shutdown, which when asked Larry dismissed it saying it’s not his place to comment on it, walked of smiling, leaving it to Sarah.

Finally she came back to podium to take questions, saying, “There should not be much left to ask me?” The media pounced her anyway with blizzard of questions. The first question she took was from her comfort zone journalist John Roberts; a Fox News white house correspondent. She had thought it would be an easy one, well karma is a bitch!

But the question wasn’t easy to which she replied her usual answer, “Look I don’t want to get in…” basically it’s either get in, get ahead or get into. Since Sarah is trump’s spokesperson, she is his mouthpiece, when she says “I don’t want to get in”  does she mean she does not want to get into the guts of  Mr. Trump? Then she took a few questions from her nemesis like April Ryan, when asked “Will Trump shutdown the government again in three weeks?”, Sarah responded, “I don’t know you need to axe err ask Democrats for that”, I don’t if the use of word axe was in error or intentional, she has learnt few tricks from her boss. Finally ended with sly joke on Jim Acosta, he asked “All Trump’s aides are indicted like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Mike Flynn including the most recent Roger Stone, is White house in trouble?” To which she replied, “Look, President Trump did nothing wrong.” I wonder even if she is indicted, would she say, “Look Trump’s mouth did wrong not Trump!

Finally she stormed of the podium when the reporter shouted, “Good to see you Sarah” and another said, “Come back soon”.

Trump imitates Modi, Modi imitates Trump

Narendra Modi campaigned heavily on India being a Hindu nation and that India needs to defend itself against Pakistan sternly. He accused the previous govt Congress of being too soft against the aggression of Pakistan on the Kashmir issue. He even campaigned that the top leaders of Congress as the Western establishment ruling India associating the Gandhi family as Italians, although Sonia vehemently opposed that saying she had left Italy to be with her now deceased Indian husband Rajiv Gandhi. It did not sit well with the Gandhi family as their budding heir Rahul Gandhi expressed no such Indian values other than wearing an Indian kurta for campaigning, while most of the time he was found in Bangkok detoxing himself to gear up against Modi attacks – the strongest one being the Shahazadha; the son of royal family. This was 2014 and Modi won with thumping majority as the next Prime minister. The Congress was decimated, Rahul who had half heatedly canvassed on the persuasion of his mother went back to Bangkok for further detoxing. Since then Modi has been the first Indian PM to visit Pakistan with surprise visit found hugging the then PM of Pakistan, Nawaz Sheriff. Since then Kashmir issue has escalated and India claims it has now given the befitting reply to Pakistan cross border terrorism, understandably now detoxed and formally appointed as President of the Congress party Rahul claims otherwise.

Then came 2016 and America went for election and Donald J. Trump took the Modi playbook and accused all the politicians of big swamp and especially Barack Obama as too soft to the world, hence undermining the might of Mighty America. The reality was George W. Bush had projected America as a bully nation after 9/11 for going to war without the UN consensuses. It is then that obese Americans who love French Fries had renamed them as Freedom Fries in retaliation to France, it is these Americans that would eventually vote for the now Republican candidate DJT who had little knowledge that French fries had nothing to do with France. Trump crushed 11 political presidential hopefuls to nominate himself as next Republican candidate in Primaries.

Against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, he pitched that under her administration it would be the same 8 eight years as her predecessor Obama. Frankly she was running on that agenda as Obama had brought the respect for America it deserved from the rest of the nations and had made an effort to diffuse the nuclear tension from Iran by holding a bilateral talks. He had also steered America from the worst recession created by out going GWB since Great Depression. But what Trump used against her was Modi’s strategy, America’s superpower status had diminished under Obama and he was too soft to speak with Iran and bent backwards to appease them. He vehemently opposed the stand immigration policy against the illegal immigrants, where in the past both Republicans and Democrats had avoided the issue. Trump came along and said he would deport all illegals back to Mexico, 11 millions of them and build a beautiful WALL across the Mexico border. Although majority of the illegals are from Mexico sizable illegals are from other nations too, including India, so will he send them to Mexico too? but this was a good catch phrase for election and he ran with that.

It worked and Trump was elected as the first non political failed businessman (not according to him, on the contrary Trump race is the most powerful gene, to which he feels that every women needs to be impregnated with his sperms, to further the dominance of America against the rest of the world) as the President of America.

Now it is Modi’s turn to run for a second term and he is using all the gimmickry that of Trump. Although it’s almost two years since Trump took office he has not gone any further with his biggest policy of building the wall on Mexico border. He had promised his supporters that Mexico would pay for the wall, the supporters had cheered him in every rallies “BUILD. THAT. WALL.”, now as  a elected president he went to Mexican president to pay for the wall, that did not go well but he got a big middle finger from former Mexican president Vicente Fox. So now he has retorted to build the wall using American tax payers, although the congress is not approving it, even though republicans are in majority. So trump has planned to shut down of the government, twice by now.

Here Modi has called for deporting some 4 million illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, apparently the illegals that have entered India since 1971 are at the risk of getting deported back to Bangladesh, only problem is they are all born in India. To make it more complicated he had declared in 2014 that all the Hindu, Sikh and Christians refugees from Bangladesh are welcome anytime, so who else is left, that’s the Muslims. Muslims mostly poor daily wage workers are claiming that they are born and lived in India, if they are deported they have no place to go, Bangladesh would not accept them. Indian constitution is built on secularism and cannot ban the immigrants based of religion. But Modi supporters are backing the move. The opposition is warning bloodshed if such a move was executed. Thus some 4 million people are stranded as to not knowing when they would be deported to Bangladesh.

Trump announces ‘SPACE FORCE’ and Modi pulled of Space Mission on Aug 15 2018.


WhatsApp Lynching


I first read the lynching incident way back in Sep 2015, which has now become infamous Dadri lynching. The incident was so sad that the man was lynched based on the rumors that he had eaten beef.

So what?

I know, if you are in USA beef is an American staple diet; trust me it’s high in cholesterol, you need to cut on that. Just a suggestion or if it was Mayor Mike Bloomberg, he would heavily tax on it, which is outrageous, who wants a nanny state, right? Even if that saves your life in the long run. Lets get back to our story, turns out this man from Dadri (I try not to use the real names, it’s subject that matters); a parent of an active soldier, was made to run in the village streets while a mob chased him with machetes. The senior man ran for his life behind a bunch of teenagers; could you think that a senior could out run a bunch of teenagers with adrenaline. That senior out ran them, it was the last hope he had, else death. Anyways the peasant ran to his home, locked himself up in the bedroom. Commotion erupted in the living room, the family members scurried around the crowd begging to save his life.

What couldn’t they immediately call for the police help?

You might think these poor villagers did not have phones, they did! as a matter of fact every individual has phone in India, actually India has the highest number of cellphones in the world. No wonder Mark Zuckerberg visited Prime Minister Narendra Modi multiple times, to provide a free internet to all his citizens. Good deal hah! not so fast, in return Mark gets to control what content the nation views. See the game here. Well that did not happen and Mark returned home empty handed, actually the first thing he ate after landing on American soil; A double cheese Hamburger. So they had called for the cops but they were standing outside the home as the tiny home itself was filled with mobs. The wife begged and pleaded the leader to spare her husband; it was immaterial what his offense was. Nonetheless his son demanded what was the offense?

“You filthy humans, you eat beef”, said a burly mustache and darted towards the kitchen and opened his fridge to produce the beef.
Aah! the beef, dear Americans pardon those mobsters for calling beef eaters as filthy humans. Well lets talk about this beef a little, there two flavors of beef in India. No it’s not Angus and regular beef; that’s debate you fight in America. Here it’s cow beef and Water buffalo beef.

What’s the difference?

Big difference. Cow in India is a sacred animal, so sacred you worship her everyday. That buffalo, the dark cousin of cow, not so sacred, you can butcher it and eat it, at your will. Mind you, buffalo provides more milk to the nation than cows. If only they evolved using Fair and Lovely to become fair like cows, Sigh!  So this Cow Beef is banned in India since independence, see the Brits left the land and cows roamed the streets at freewill. A foreign delegate comes to the capital of India; Delhi, the entire population is shooed off the streets for the entourage to pass by and suddenly it comes to halt. Then President, Barack Obama once asked, “Aaah! Why did we stop?“. The Indian high command sputtered, “Saaar! it’s the cows they are crossing the streets and one is just resting on the road, they will have them moved and we will get going.”

Buffaloes dare not come on the streets, they would be beaten like hell. You say, “I get it, this man was eating Cow beef“, no he was not, it was a buffalo beef, but this wonderful WhatsApp we have now had spread the word that he was eating otherwise, even , more sinister a calf meat. You know how fast the news spreads on WhatsApp right, it goes viral within seconds and then the cow vigilantes gather and dart towards the culprit. So here we are attacking this father whose teenage girls were huddled in the corner for the fear of being raped. Son pleaded that the beef in the fridge was buffalo beef, if only he could reach his older brother who was deployed on the treacherous Indo-Pak border; defending these cow vigilantes from the terrorist attacks. This soldier does not carry a cellphone for security reasons, in short he was nowhere to be reached. The mob chants grew louder,

Kill that man, who abuses an innocent cow.“,

few reprimanded the family members and rest broke open the doors of the bedroom. Father was mercilessly beaten to death while his entire family looked on!

The mob moved on warning the remaining family,

Dare you eat this beef, you will meet the same fate“,

actually the mother darted to eat the meat; it was suicidal, her children held her back.

Mob moved out, police moved in.
“What happened here?” asked the inspector.
“Sir, they killed my father for eating this beef, it’s buffalo beef”, cried his son.
“Send that meat for forensics”, ordered the Inspector, you see his priority.
Indeed the forensics report had come back as buffalo meat, really nobody eats cow meat in India. Actually cows have become such a nuisance on the streets, they have been left to die eating plastic bags and trash. The day cow stops bearing milk they are left on the streets, nobody dares take any action. Not to digress, but there are few organizations who shelter these abandoned cows.

Finally the military son was informed, whose bosses were appalled to hear the story and sent him home to attend his grieving family. He being the elder son torched the dead body for cremation and did the final rights.
Media asked him, “Soldier how do you feel that you serve our nation and here a bunch of mobsters kill your father”.
He simply says, “I forgive them”, and finally moves the entire family from that town where his generation had lived.

Since that incident scores have been lynched over the past few years, it was not always cow related though, some times it’s religion, other times it’s journalists/writers, I was loosing track of these incidents until the last one that literally hit home.

My hometown Karnataka, a software engineer, who had just returned from Middle-East on vacation, gave-away few  chocolates to street kids, who devoured with joy. The bunch of vigilantes go to work, sent a Whats-app message among their friends, with this engineer’s picture attached saying that, he is a child-lifter. Really that’s a popular word in India a Child-Lifter. The mob got to work and this highly educated engineer was not given any chance to defend his actions and dragged on the streets and beaten to death.

Since most of these mob vigilantes are affiliated with one or the other political parties, the police keeps looking for them but can never identify the perpetrators, conveniently, even though all of the act is circulating on the same WhatsApp among rest of the world, I mean, I sit here in USA and get to see these videos within an hour of the incident.

Argument has been that WhatsApp has to stop these false propaganda, Facebook parent company of WhatsApp has been under fire for selling out users information to Cambridge Analytica, which has compromised the election results in USA and India alike. The technology can only go so far as in case of WhatsApp, the privacy of the user is protected by not revealing the information to anybody except the intended party, in this case the vigilante groups messages cannot be seen by law authorities or the WhatsApp organization itself. Facebook has put in place a lot of checks and balances in case of English language, but would take a lot of time to decipher the hundreds of Indian vernacular languages.

For argument sake let’s say a person ate beef or abducted a child, what right and authority does the mob have to punish him or her. Yes there were women killed based of fake messages of child-lifting. If anybody suspects that somebody is doing wrong, inform the authorities, let police handle it. Well in America this has gone too far, too. A black child sells lemonade and a lady calls cops on that child. Yet she did not take law into her own hands, at least for now.

My final plea is that we as humans need to care for other humans, justifiably to animals too. I cannot fathom that a bunch of people use there bare hands and kill another human in a gruesome manner while rest of the people watch it or video tape it. The person begs for water during his last moments and beating continues, until he goes silent!

Delhi Democracy

Delhi Elections

What Delhi did on Feb 10th 2015 is historic as one of the best days in Indian democracy. Critics across the world had written the obituary of Arvind Kejriwal and his party after he quit as Chief Minister for barely 49 days. The current prime minister Mr. Modi branded him as AK49 akin to AK47. That was the low ball to use as a sitting PM – which would cost him on 10th. Later AAP dug their grave when they ran for Lok Sabha elections especially Kejriwal contesting against the then most popular figure across  India Mr. Modi himself. AAP was decimated in the elections, even Delhi their strong hold had lost all the Lok Sabha seats. It was a loud and clear message from Delhi – don’t mess with us.

Fast forward few months or so, AAP is back campaigning for Delhi. Critics and opponents branded Kejriwal as ‘Bagoda’. In the beginning when AAP went door to door, people slammed their doors on APP’s face, rightly so; they ware hurt. Then the biggest thing happened in Politics, Kejriwal openly apologized to Delhiites for quitting. He held various small discussions and attended all media interviews and said, “I made a mistake by quitting as Delhi CM, I should not have done that”, the media repeatedly asked the same question over and over and his answer was a humble “sorry”. Kejriwal had committed a political suicide. Even Congress jumped into the elections claiming absolute majority now. It is seen as a weakness of a leader to admit his mistakes. Politicians in the past have committed grave mistakes, but when media confronts them, they have either thrown fits or always talked around it, never really addressing the question.

Political pundits might attribute the AAPs landslide victory to the failures of BJP, the negative campaigning  – top leaders including the sitting union minster denigrated the opponent as “chor”, a weak man who coughs all the time, para-trooping Ms Bedi at the last moment. None of this would have mattered. At the end it was the Delhiites that had decided that they wanted to give a second chance to this young and humble party, which looked and acted like a common man. Kejriwal’s apologies seemed sincere and rest is history.