Revamp Update!

It’s been almost two years, whatever time means. I am actually embarrassed by some of the posts on here, but I shan’t let them suffer erasure or renounce them completely. I appreciate the movement away from them, and genuinely am enjoying the stuff I’ve been scribbling since. So, introducing a transformational newness in the manifestation of my “Roots” project! 🌱-🌱-🌱

[I wrote this a while ago, I guess an update of an update] My last post was a year about a year ago, and since then I feel like I’ve found another sort of direction for my poetry to go in. Whilst I’ve loved writing the pieces on here, I’ve started doing work which written I admire more and toyed with different ideas. I’ve won some competitions (such as the Charles Causley Trust) and even come runner up my first ever poetry slam (StAnza) and performed through The Poetry Society at Guildhall for the Peace Symposium. For now, I think I’ll hold off publishing them on here just because it would be a dream to have them all in one place some day. Think of this, then, as an archive if you will 🙂

Thanks for reading ❤ stay tooned

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