Welcome to

The Garden of Gethsemane

Washington, DC

“We are tremendously thankful that you responded to the move and direction of the Holy Spirit as He led you to our web page. I firmly believe that it was no accident that God led you here, and I am sure that you will receive a greater blessing by visiting us at Gethsemane.”


Visit our Events and Activities page for more information on activities taking place at GBC!

Call in for Sunday Worship

Please share this message for those members of our congregation who do not have internet access in their homes but wish to join our Sunday morning worship by listening on their telephones.  All they have to do is to call:

(701) 802-5151  They will then be asked for the access code.

Access code 299557

All they have to do afterwards is to push the speaker button on the phone and then they can enjoy the service.


Join Pastor Emmett S. Young III, Senior Pastor, Gethsemane Baptist Church, for bible study every Wednesday @ 6:30 pm via Zoom and call-in:

Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/94472889807?pwd=TjlaejhOdUg3NkVRbjJNaTdxWSsvdz09

Call-In No.: 301.715.8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 944 7288 9807
Passcode: 433771

eGiving Is Now Available!