
The other night Chester was agitated.  He kept running to the patio door and looking out and whining.  Finally we let him outside so he could go investigate whatever was bothering him.  After about fifteen minutes, we realized we hadn’t heard a peep out of the dog, and we wondered what kind of trouble he was in, so we called him back into the house.

Pretty soon he started whining by the door again.  He would not settle down.  We were trying to look outside to see what was bothering him, when a RAT calmly walked by our patio door!  He was actually pretty cute, except for the tail.  By this time, Chester was really upset.  Chris was all for letting the dog outside to kill the rat, but I refused.  I didn’t want Chester catching some disease from it.

Our neighbors don’t put their garbage out on the street for collection each week.  They store it all up for months, then load it in their truck and take it to the dump.  I don’t know why they do this, but we think that’s why a rat may have been hanging out in the area.  I was all ready to call the health department, but we haven’t seen it in almost a week and Chester hasn’t indicated it’s presence, so maybe the rat was just passing through.

It’s kind of funny… I don’t think I’ve seen one squirrel in this city, but we’ve had mice in our garage and rats in our yard.  Crazy!  I think it may have to do with the fields all around the city.

Isaiah really likes to pray!  As soon as Chris and I sit down for dinner, he runs over to the table and holds up his hands to take ours and pray.  He’s had a couple rough nights going to sleep.  When he is really upset, I have been holding him and praying over him.  He calms right down and lets me lay him down.  Last night, Chris was laying him down and said, “Lets pray.”  Isaiah reached up to hold his hand and when Chris was done praying Isaiah said, “I pray!”  It makes our hearts melt when we see him learning about the Lord.

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