Put Our Banner On Your Site

Hey guys,

Would you like to put this banner on your site:

Well here’s how:

Just Copy and Paste this code into a Text Widget and Save your work:

<div style=”text-align:center;”><a href=”https://nacpninjaarmyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com/join-us/”><img src=”https://nacpninjaarmyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/nacp-banner1.gif”></a&gt;

After you have put it on your site, comment on this post letting us know and then we will make sure to leave a comment on your site.

Allies of Club Penguin Gladiators

Just so everyone knows, the NACP are the allies of the Club Penguin Gladiators. As such, everyone is expected to attend and fight for the Club Penguin Gladiators in their practice war.

Blood Warriors Vs. Club Penguin Gladiators

Date: The Fourth of August, Tuesday.

Time: 2:00 AM PST

Server: Brumby, Snow Forts.

If you do attend, expect a promotion. 🙂


Thanks to everyone!

Hi Guys!

      Snowy1900 here!

              Just thanking everyone who joined the NACP! Also i hope everyone has a great Easter! I’m still thinking of cool thigns we can do here, So on Thursday I’ll update you with an Upcoming events post!


Contest winner!

Hi Guys!

      The winner of the contest is……….Moonscpcheats

      E-mail me at Steveo92096@aol.com for yuor prize! Or comment on my site so i can get your e mail and e mail you!




Hi Guys!

   No one came to the party 😦

   But, here is a contest! Here is the prize!


           Here is what you have to do to get a name in the hat!

              Join NACP [ if already joined comment that you did on this post then your ok ] = 2 names!

              Advertise on 3 sites = 1 name

               Comment on my site or this site 23 times!=2 names!

                    Contest over on Thursday! This is a sticky!


Funny ninja Pictures!

 UPDATE:OMG 26 PEOPLE VEIWING!!!! Wbtpe go to the Coutner and see 26 🙂 your welcome


         Sleep tight Young one


        What a self centered penguin……


       Dont be scared of him, be scared of Snowy1900 🙂


         She is needy

        Here is the ninja party news!!!


                Cant read?

          Ninja Party!

     When? April 28, 2009 [ Saturday ]

    Server? Ice Box

      Meeting? Dojo Courtyard

  Why? to practice your Ninja skills and have Fun!

        Contest is tomorrow!


Contest Over

I’m surprised to see no one entered. Fine. Be that mean guys.


Ninja Week, sneak peak!

Hi guys!

           Here is a sneak peak at Ninja week!

                   Therew will be a contest! Here is the Prize!


             Nice prize huh?

             Also there will be some funny pictures about Ninjas, and a party!

                Here is the news!


                         Cant read?

                      When? April 28, 2009

                Time? ice box, 6 PST

                         Make sure to come!!!


Ninja Party!!!!

Hi Guys!

     Here is the ninja party news!!!


                Cant read?

          Ninja Party!

     When? April 28, 2009 [ Saturday ]

    Server? Ice Box

      Meeting? Dojo Courtyard

  Why? to practice your Ninja skills and have Fun!

            The cool part is the day before look what comes out!!!


          Cool Huh?

           make sure to come!


Offical Ninja Week!

Hi Guys!

Snowy1900 Here!

Its Offical! April 28,29, and 30th will be Ninja Celebration! Isnt that awesome?!?!?!!?

Here is Some things  we will do!

. Party! [ News on Thursday! ]

. Ninja Penguin contest!

. Funny Ninja Pictures in a post!

And maybe some more stuff! If you have any Ideas please comment them and maybe we could do them!



Hey Guys! I’m Wexfief, one of the princes for the NACP. I’d like to thank Wbtpe for adding me as an author.

My army is the Lime Green Bunnies but it is inactive now.

Facts About Me:

  • I am the second person to join this army (NACP).
  • My rarest pin is the Apple.
  • I have another penguin called Curse U Pie 😆

I MIGHT make a rare penguin contest for this site so keep visiting!

That’s about it!
