“No Ordinary Champion”

What images come to mind when the word, “champion” is uttered?  During college football season, many of us may have wondered which team would make the National Championship.   Would third ranked Clemson with three National Championships make it, or would it be some other team, LSU, Ohio State?

In the NFL there’s a Superbowl Champion.  Or unfortunately for Astros fans this year, there’s a World Series winner.  Soccer fans look forward to the World Cup.  In horse racing it is the Triple Crown. For boxing fans, it could be fictional Rocky Balboa or some other real-world boxing champion.

There are also individual champions like American Olympic gold medalists; sprinters Carl Lewis and Florence Griffith Joyner; sand volleyball players Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings; swimmers Amy Van Dyken and Michael Phelps; gymnasts Mary Lou Retton and Simone Biles, or platform divers Greg Louganis and Laura Wilkinson.

Viewing champions in this perspective makes the moniker seem rather exclusive i.e., if I never complete against another person, I can never be a champion.  That kind of thinking could not be further from the truth.

Noah Webster’s 1812 has several definitions for hero, but one is extremely inclusive and as such the one we shall use:

CHAMPION – Hero. A brave warrior. Hence, one who is bold in contest; as a champion for the truth.  Hmmm…sounds a lot like something everyone ought to emulate.

No matter how the champion moniker is earned, there are certainly key elements every champion possesses.

COURAGE Bravery; intrepidity; that quality of mind which enables men to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, or without fear or depression of spirits; valor; boldness; resolution. It is a constituent part of fortitude; but fortitude implies patience to bear continued suffering.

INTREPID’ITY Fearlessness; fearless bravery in danger; undaunted courage or boldness.

FOR’TITUDE That strength or firmness of mind or soul which enables a person to encounter danger with coolness and courage, or to bear pain or adversity without murmuring, depression or despondency. fortitude is the basis or source of genuine courage or intrepidity in danger, of patience in suffering, of forbearance under injuries, and of magnanimity in all conditions of life.

Fortitude is the guard and support of the other virtues

MAGNANIM’ITY Greatness of mind; that elevation or dignity of soul, which encounters danger and trouble with tranquility and firmness, which raises the possessor above revenge, and makes him delight in acts of benevolence, which makes him disdain injustice and meanness, and prompts him to sacrifice personal ease, interest and safety for the accomplishment of useful and noble objects.

Reading all these definitions, it would seem reasonable to say a champion possesses courage, intrepidity, fortitude and magnanimity.  A lot of big words which when broken down to their simplest form essentially mean: Fearless, patient, firm, strong, peaceful, and steady.

Notice how each of the definitions speaks to uncomfortable circumstances?  Danger. Difficulty. Suffering. Trouble. Sacrifice. Although completely attainable, being a champion is no easy feat.

Winning a national championship, the Super bowl, the World Series, the Triple Crown, the World Cup, an Olympic medal, or a boxing championship requires individuals to endure suffering, sacrifice, danger, difficulty and even trouble.

Training for any sporting event requires sacrifice.  In order to be the best, you have to give up a lot of other desires and focus on the one.  Being an athlete is dangerous. Don’t believe me?  Ask Alabama’s starting QB, Tua Tagovailoa whose 2019 season ended early with a dislocated hip, an injury sustained during his team’s quest for a championship.

He likely suffered too, not just pain from his injury, but it had to be difficult watching his team from the sidelines while he was unable to participate. I saw him in a pregame interview before the Alabama vs. Auburn Iron Bowl and while he had a smile plastered on his face, he looked like he was about to cry.

Although not exactly the kind of trouble one might think of, after beach volleyball teammates Kerri Walsh Jennings and Misty May-Treanor captured Olympic gold in 2004, 2008 and 2012, Treanor decided to retire.  Walsh Jennings wasn’t done playing, so she likely faced some troubling times before landing new partner April Ross for the 2016 Olympics.

What about champions of faith:  David the shepherd boy who slayed a giant and later became king, Abraham who became a father at the tender age of 99, or Daniel whose stand for righteousness found him face to face with a hungry lion? My personal favorite is Esther, an orphan chosen to save an entire race from genocide.

Great, I’m no super star athlete nor am I a champion of Biblical standards so how does all of this apply to me? Here. Today?  I’m glad you asked.

American Idol winner turned country music Grammy winning superstar Carrie Underwood has a song called, The Champion, featuring hip hop artist, Ludacris. This song has become a mantra of sorts for me.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Htu3va7yDMg

It is no secret that I’ve endured some extreme hardships since moving to Beeville.  Many days when it was all I could do just to shower, get dressed and leave the house, my husband would ask, have you played what he deemed, “your song” i.e., The Champion?  I even had the lyrics to the bridge taped to a cabinet in my office, so they were in front of me daily.

The C is for the courage I possess through the drama

H is for the hurt but it’s all for the honor

A is for my attitude working through the patience

Money comes and goes so the M is for motivation

Gotta stay consistent, the P is to persevere

The I is for integrity, innovative career

The O is optimistic, open and never shut

And the N is necessary ’cause I’m never giving up

Courage, Honor, Attitude, Motivation, Persevere, Integrity, Optimistic, Never Give Up

In conclusion, I want you to remember; you are no ordinary champion. You are invincible. You are unbreakable. You are unstoppable. You are unshakeable. They knock you down, you get up again. You are the champion. They’re gonna know your name. They can’t hurt you now. You can’t feel the pain. You were made for this; you were born to win. You are the champion.

Until Next Time

Becky J Miller
Warrior Princess

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