Welcome Chris Minns and thank you Dominic Perrottet

March 26, 2023 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies has warmly congratulated Chris Minns and NSW Labor on its success in yesterday’s state election.

NSW Premier-elect Chris Minns

In a joint statement, President David Ossip and CEO Darren Bark said: Mr Minns has been a staunch supporter and friend of the NSW Jewish community throughout his time in public life.

In recent weeks, he has committed $15 million towards safety and security at faith institutions; a range of measures to combat rising antisemitism in our schools, pledged to enhance Holocaust education in our classrooms; and committed $5 million to expand the Sydney Jewish Museum.

Dominic Perrottet

He has also strongly denounced the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, declaring that Labor would not support BDS in government.

We look forward to working with the Premier-elect and his team, and wish the incoming Labor government well.

We also acknowledge outgoing Premier Dominic Perrottet for his loyal and unwavering support of the NSW Jewish community and of Israel during his time in Parliament.

We thank Mr Perrottet for his friendship and for always listening to our community’s concerns, and wish him and his family all the best for the future.

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