Bialik Shines in the VCE

December 19, 2012 by Community Editor
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Melbourne’s Bialik College has once again recorded great results in the VCE.

They sent this message:

Mazel tov to the Class of 2012
The Bialik community is once again thrilled with the outstanding achievements of our Class of 2012. Students have worked incredibly hard and have been supported by dedicated teachers and parents – they are to be warmly congratulated on their extraordinary performance.
The following results reflect the commitment and hard work of the students and their dedicated teachers:
13.7% of students scored 99 and above, placing them in the top 1% of the State;
31.5% scored 95 and above, placing them in the top 5% of the State;
54.8% scored 90 and above, placing them in the top 10% of the State;
6 perfect study scores of 50 across 3 subjects: Accounting (4), English 
and Psychology (1 each),
36% of study scores were over 40, placing them in the top 8% of the State and
the median ATAR score was 91.3.

Congratulations go to the 2012 Bialik College Dux Jonathan Woliansky, for achieving a perfect score of 99.95; and to Sharni Burstin and Robert Needleman who both attained a score of 99.90. Their dedicated and mature approach to their studies and friendly demeanour throughout their schooling were appreciated by all with whom they came into contact.

A number of our students undertook a tertiary (enhancement) subject as part of their VCE studies, the results of which have already been received. Many of these results are simply spectacular. Katie Brand, for example, topped both the State and the first year university students in the University of Monash Tertiary Accounting Extension Program, whilst Yael Jacoby was the highest performing Hebrew student in the University of Melbourne’s Hebrew Extension Program.

The Bialik community can take great pride in the team effort, grounded in a supportive and encouraging environment, which led to the outstanding performance of the Class of 2012. These results continue a proud Bialik tradition of consistently high achievement in the VCE, forged through strong partnerships between students, teachers and families. 
Whilst we congratulate the highest achievers, we also equally commend all the students who attained their personal best. Our students have met the challenges of VCE with responsibility, perseverance and dignity.

As we celebrate our students superb results, we are proud, more importantly, to be sending out menschen into the adult Jewish community – good people who seek to impact positively on their friendships, families and communities. We look forward to maintaining our relationships with the Class of 2012 – our graduates leave Bialik knowing that we are always a ‘home from home’ for them.

On behalf of the Bialik Community, I wish you an enjoyable, restful and peaceful summer break.


One Response to “Bialik Shines in the VCE”
  1. Lynne Newington says:

    “I think Jewish schools do well because education is extremely highly valued and prized by the community, parents strongly believing in it’s power to transform”.
    A point not missed, commented in the Age.

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