Cheap Birth Control at Wal-Mart

From the Kaiser Family Foundation’s, this press release:

Wal-Mart Stores on Thursday announced that it will begin selling eight additional generic drugs for $4 per 30-day prescription and several family-planning drugs for $9, USA Today reports (Appleby, USA Today, 9/28). The added medications include treatments for glaucoma, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, fungal infections and acne (Albright, St. Petersburg Times, 9/28). In addition, Wal-Mart will offer generic versions of the birth control drugs Ortho Cyclen and Ortho Tri-Cyclen and a fertility drug for $9 per 30-day supply.

The discount drug program, which started in September 2006, now will cover 361 prescriptions representing different formulations of 157 generic drugs (Saul, New York Times, 9/28). The new additions add about 24 prescriptions to the program (Bernstein, Long Island Newsday, 9/28).

-Bridget Crawford

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0 Responses to Cheap Birth Control at Wal-Mart

  1. Ralph M. Stein says:

    Of course this is good news but it remains to be seen whether Wal-Mart will truly make the so-called Morning After pill generally available. Having been forced by law to do so in Massachusetts, the giant chain stated it would distribute the pill nationally but respect the wishes of objecting pharmacists.

    And as we all know, independent pharmacies across the country have closed as chains like Wal-Mart and K-Mart scoured the territory. So for many women it will remain quite difficult and burdensome to obtain this important pharmaceutical.