Freezing (NSFW)- 07

BLOOD, GORE and… Flashbacks!

Ness: Heya, I’m back for this weekend of Freezing and man I hope there’s going to be a good fight. I was actually looking forward to this episode, despite the fan service.

Foshizzel: Looking forward to some blood this episode and some epic fighting! Course more Rana is always a fun thing, Ness joins me this time! Welcome back.

Ness: Never trust the twintails type character

Foshizzel: Aoi its harem time ! Go!!

Ness: Yes! Sattelizer is all up for fighting at the go

Foshizzel: Haha enough talk. Should have added a bitch to that.

Ness: Who cares about fairness, pfft

Foshizzel: Oooh iron hammer. Her catch phrase Stop….Hammer time

Two on two, let’s do this!

Ness: But she lacks the hairdo

Foshizzel: And the parachute pants.

Ness: Yes! STFU Kazuya

First take care of the dumb useless main character, take a nap Aoi!

Foshizzel: Owned! Going down like the side character you are…

Ness: Which is good, his voice is so annoying. I’d rather listen to Ganessa

Foshizzel: His voice is like a cat being run over repeatedly

Ness: No, I think that sounds a bit more bad then Aoi’s voice

Foshizzel: Wish we would get a new OP

Ness: I’m still fine with the opening :3

Foshizzel: But i love OH TRUE COLAAARRRAA

Ness: Hahah. Hope we get a rumble


Foshizzel: Gym battle…

Ness: And blood and gore

Foshizzel: Is this Pokemon!? I choose you rana

Ness: Yeah! Limiters stay out of this fight

Foshizzel: OOh scythe, my favorite weap

Ness: Oh my, the red head gets excited by her weapon. BLOOD!

Foshizzel: Blood, superrrr

Ness: An attack from the front that hits behind!


Ness: I hate this upperclassmen authority

Foshizzel:oh snap fist fighter too! hot

Ness:Oooo yes!

Foshizzel: Love the punch sound effects lots of impact

Ness: Come on Rana! You’re getting your ass kicked

Foshizzel: No! she must win. Damn this is awesome

Ness: Sometimes these blood sprays remind me of Kill Bill

Foshizzel: Yep

Ness: Ooo hitting an after image, that’s new

Foshizzel: Shut it drill hair !

Ness: These upperclassmen are too full of themselves. People like that are bound to get beaten

Foshizzel: Haha yes

Ness:This red head kind of reminds me of Ganessa

Foshizzel: Omg the music

Ness: Yes! Awesome BGM

Foshizzel: Ouch

Foshizzel: Triple or go home!

Ness: Double Accel?! Triple, where is it?

Foshizzel: Quad inc

Ness: Hah!

Foshizzel: Slow mo

Ness: Nuuuuuuu. Sattelizer can’t be beaten, she’s the main character>< They’re most likely going to have a comeback.. I hope

Foshizzel: Rana and Sattelizer need Fusion dance…

Ness: Hahah oh no. Ugh this twin curly tail is annoying

Foshizzel: Slowly…..dying…. Crack that whip

Ness: False authority

Yes, they hit her so hard into flashback mode

Foshizzel: Now its time for her alternate personality to kick in. Loli!

Ness: Flash back!! Oh snap, this sounds like she’s a illegitammate child

Foshizzel: Wonder if she’s violent at that age…

Ness: Ooooo the scarred childhoood

Foshizzel: Indeed. GLARE

Ness: Man that little kid has a bad glare

Foshizzel: Lol I see I see. LOL

Ness: Hahahah

Foshizzel: Yay eyecatch. LOL

Yeah, her step brother is damn creepy!

Ness: Omg, she’s letting the kid use her as a horse. MY DOLL! PET!

Foshizzel: Lol kinky

Ness: Slaaavvveee

Foshizzel: Owww D:

Ness: Uh oh.. the beginning of the trauma

Foshizzel: Oh god, here comes the trama

Ness: Yeah. Damnit they’re only 8 and 9

Foshizzel: Evil brother, of ourse I saw this coming sooner or later

Ness: Yeah, it was easy to figure out

Foshizzel: Root of why she hates guys

Ness: Ugh, the mother is in denial

Molesting your own step sister and you get a slap?! FAIL! Needs a Falcon punch.

Foshizzel: Oh dirty XD

Ness: Oh man they let that shit go on for years

Foshizzel: Yeah

Ness: I hope she killed him

Foshizzel: Lmao just a slap? Needs a punch to the grill

Ness: Just now they say she should leave

Foshizzel: Oh GEE YOU THINK

Ness: Sheesh

Foshizzel: Won the lottery!

Ness: HAH

Foshizzel: Oh…

This moment was sad! T_T

Ness: Wow, the mom looks so young. But yes, sad she’s dying from a disease

Foshizzel: Cancer?

Ness: Who knows, maybe poison?!

Foshizzel: Nooooo!! sadness D:

Ness: What matters is that Sattelizer is going to wake up from the flashback and kick some ass.. I hope

Muhahahah, you better run!

Foshizzel: Yes new level achieved?

Ness: You’ve been playing too much vid games man

“Uh I think we are screwed”

Foshizzel: Oh here it goes

Ness: Oh snap, here it goes! DIIIEEEEEEE bitches, die

Foshizzel: Bankai!

Ness: Woooooooo

Foshizzel: You better run!

So much ketchup! Overload!


Foshizzel: HAHAH ultra combo

Ness: Yeahhh and Rana back too

Foshizzel: Woooo!

Ness: Ooooo snap, and you’re next twin curly tail!

Foshizzel: Haha she’s still asleep

Ness: Fighting unconscious hnmm

Foshizzel: YES! TRIPLE. Ahh like Rana’s wings

Ness: Go Rana go!

Foshizzel: Shadow clones pssh please

Ness: Naruto, where are you?!

Foshizzel: Finish her omg! Cough main character cough*

Ness: Stop talking, what about the other wench. Damnit, they’re still awake

Yeah! These two were actually cool for mid bosses.

Foshizzel: Hahah best filler bosses ever

Ness: This is where Kazuya will step in… Or not

Ness: Damn the seito kaichou

Foshizzel: Damn it prez. Cloud sword? WTF

Ness: Oooo so they’re actually strong

Student president’s sad face! She wanted to fight too.

Foshizzel: LOL that impact

Ness: Guess she’s not the seito kaichou for nothing haha

Foshizzel: Holy crap

Ness: ONE SHOT! Ooo Rank One… duhhh

Foshizzel: Imagine if she opens her eyes

Ness: Hahaha yes!

Foshizzel: 10+ million power

Ness: Soooo what happened to Kazuya

Rana! Why are you so damn cute? WHY!!!

Foshizzel: Lmao


Ness: HAH

Oh yeah…can’t forget the dead weight

Ness: Sattelizer is quick to move

Foshizzel: He is so damn weak

Anyone see Prince Baka’s long lost sister? I swear it’s her!

Ness: Damn another pool scene and Chiffon is in it

Foshizzel: Takes place of the required shower scene

Ness: Hahah

Foshizzel: So much fan service this episode. Omg that looks like prince baka as a chick O_o

Ness: Hahah yeah kind of…

Foshizzel: He’s invading

Extra fanservice

Yeah, she got hit pretty damn hard… Also, paper costumes…

Who’s number one?! I AM!

Yeah, someone really really loves their weapon…

Only one nurse outfit, LET’S FIGHT FOR IT!

End Thoughts:

A quick summary of episode seven: The midget loli twin curly tailed girl sends her minions against Rana and Sattelizer. The minions succeed in beating down Rana and Sattelizer; all the while Aoi Kazuya was knocked out in the beginning of the episode. Sattelizer, while unconscious, has a flashback about her childhood. We learn that Sattelizer is a illegitimate child to the L. Bridgette’s and with her mother went to live in the house. There, Sattelizer was abused by her step brother until she is sent away and her mother dies. Sattelizer unconscious, fights and Rana gets back up and finishes off the tan girl. Just when we thought it was over, the minions get back up for more until the student council president interferes and ends the fight.

Ness: Good fights and finally the revealing of Sattelizer’s trauma

Foshizzel:Yeah finally the backstory is complete. Rana and satelizer teaming up was kind of refreshing so happy to see someone else fight for a change.

Ness: Well, Rana and Sattelizer’s fight was kind of short. It would have been nice if they fought a bit more longer

Foshizzel: I have a feeling her step brother probably will show up later

Ness: Most likely, since it doesn’t seem like she killed the douche yet

Ness: Ugh that will be annoying.. more drama and trauma will happen

Foshizzel: Yeah just what we dont really need

Ness: Riiigghht

Foshizzel: But it will happen!

Ness: But yeah, the fight was cool.. the team up was awesome

Foshizzel: Aoi sucked as usual. Seriously worst male lead ever…

Ness: Yeah, he was out for the whole episode.. it felt kind of nice.

Foshizzel: And yes at least he was asleep the whole time! Good for that I suppose

Ness: The tanned girl being a fist weapon user too vs Rana was just awesome

Foshizzel: Hahah yes those are the fighters I like

Ness: And the red head kind of reminded me of Ganessa haha

Foshizzel: Yeah, a rainbow of hair color

Ness: So stuck up and full of themselves and all the while of the fight, that twin curly hair girl was just standing there talking

Foshizzel: She’s the boss

Ness: Boss, pfft

Foshizzel: But probably powerful?

Foshizzel: Until the pres arrived. Then it was WTF owned

Ness: Yes! The seito kaichou was so awesome. I knew she’d have her spotlight soon.

Ness: What numbers were the redhead and tan girl again? 4 and 5?

Foshizzel: Hmm think so

Ness: So that twin curly hair is probably 2?

Foshizzel: Yah she probably is a 2

Ness: But seemed like the assistant to the seito kaichou is stronger than the tan and redhead.

Foshizzel: Feels like bleach all over again

Ness: Hahaha kind of

Foshizzel: Espada numbers and what not

Ness: Yeaaah

Foshizzel: I still dont get why they have to fight eachother. Isn’t there monsters they have to fight??! Seriously what is up with that.

Ness: Well, it’s about upperclassmen being jealous

Foshizzel: Highschool drama

Ness: And some sort of big plan involving the principal. I’m guessing that they want to bring out Sattelizer’s potential because we can’t forget the fact of the monsters out there that their purpose is to fight them

Foshizzel: Lets see how far she can “develop”. Oh snap, the principal is freaking Aizen

Ness: HAHAHA. And the seito kaichou is really Gin!

Foshizzel: YES

Foshizzel: The creator has been reading to much bleach

Ness: So Sattelizer is Ichigo and Rana is Renji

Foshizzel: And they summon their weapons…I think we are onto something

Ness: And they’re fighting over Rukia who is Aoi Kazuya!! HAHAHAH

Foshizzel: Aoi = Renji cause he sucks or chad

Ness: Yeah I like Rukia

Foshizzel: We nailed it, this is basically Bleach with topless chicks

Ness: Indeed and I think that settles this episode.

Foshizzel: Stay tuned for more Bleach errr Freezing..


Drama next week?!

Ness: More Sattelizer vs Rana

Foshizzel: Yeah next week looks to be more talking less fist fights, also new outfits


Is huge anime fan from Florida! who loves to watch anime and also enjoys drawing and collecting pictures, my favorite genre of anime has to be Mecha, there is just something awesome about giant robots beating the crap out of each other! Other than that type of show, I love a good comedy or action series :D
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13 Responses to “Freezing (NSFW)- 07”

  1. Dan-go says:

    creeepy as hell child, what kind of a 8 year old goes around touching people, thats sooo perverse, also GOOO RANAAAA, she has mad skillz

    • Foshizzel says:

      Hahahha yes seriously messed up and all he got was a slap?! Weaaaakkkk

      Rana is awesome! To bad not many people like her, guess happy characters fail to some? -shrug-

  2. stickfanatic says:

    Freezing…= bleach…?


    i’ll be in my corner now… ._.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Hahaha well I was just comparing it to Bleach lmao there were quite a few things that reminded me of it. I also blame boredom for those comments on my side

      -pat- there there…..

  3. Freezing (NSFW)- 07 – METANORN…

    […]Why are you so damn cute? WHY!!! Foshizzel: Lmao. Foshizzel: NO I WANNA SAVE HIM. Ness: HAH. Oh yeah…can’t forget the dead weight… Ness: Sattelizer is quick to move. Foshizzel: He is so damn weak. Anyone see Prince Baka’s long lost …[…]…

  4. anaaga says:

    best episode EVER. so much blood, me likey!
    also, satelizer looks cute when she said that aoi is her partner :3

  5. Dan-go says:

    kazuya you suck suck suck suck why do you suck so much, why cant u ever ever ever ever do anything, even when you DO do something…you just throw a little hissy fit, and also RANA FOREVERRRR

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