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Saturday, June 8, 2024
WorldAsiaTableau of the Future of the Elderly: China International Senior Care Service Expo

Tableau of the Future of the Elderly: China International Senior Care Service Expo

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Today’s man is living in an era of amazing vicissitudes. Due to increasing industrialization, the environment around the world is getting polluted, but there has also been an increase in the facilities that make life comfortable. There is poverty in the world, but it is also true that prosperity has also increased as compared to the last century. Due to this the standard of living of the people has improved. Due to scientific and technological progress, diseases are being treated in a better way, many epidemics that have become the cheek of time in the world have been controlled. In such a situation, the life expectancy had to increase and it has also increased. Now the age of people has increased as compared to earlier. Its effect is especially visible on countries with large population like China and India. The increasing elderly population around the world is now going to be a cause of concern. The population of the elderly is increasing continuously in two big countries of Asia, China and India.

Elderly care is going to be challenging in the coming days. The societies of Asia have been family based. But after industrialization and economic liberalisation, the practice of nuclear families has increased. The elders are now cursed to live alone. Keeping all this in mind, Chinese companies and social organizations have started coming forward. Products are being made to take care of the elderly, their safety etc. Demonstration of such products lasted for the ninth time from May 5 to 7 in Beijing, the capital of China. This was the 9th edition of the China International Senior Care Service Care Expo. In this, social organizations from about twenty countries, studies on the elderly and organizations that care for them, as well as industries that make household and medical devices keeping the elderly in mind, were involved. Through this, people came to know that what kind of products are coming for the elderly and how can they fill their lonely life of old age with peace and relaxation?

The importance of this expo can be understood by looking at the ever increasing number of elderly people in China and India. If we talk about China, then according to the seventh census of China in 2020, there are about 26 crore people in the country, whose age is either 60 years or more. It is estimated that by the year 2035, this number of elderly people will increase to 400 million. Similar is the situation in India as well. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of India, the population of elderly here has been increasing continuously since 1961. According to the National Sample Survey, as per the 1981 Census of India, the death rate has come down due to improved health services. Because of which the number of elderly people in India is also increasing rapidly. It should be remembered here that in India census is done after every ten years. But due to the Corona epidemic, the proposed census in the year 2021 has not been done. However, studies are being done by the Government of India regarding demographic change. However, according to the 2011 census, the elderly population in India was 103.8 million, of which 52.8 million were men and 51.11 million were women. India’s Bureau of Statistics estimates that by the year 2031, the number of elderly people in the country will cross 193.8 million. In which there will be 9 crore 29 lakh men and 10 crore 9 lakh women.

Be it China or India, in the days to come, the way the world is moving towards the nuclear family, there has to be a change in attitude towards the care of the elderly. Competent elders will be able to take steps to take care of themselves, while social organizations and governments will have to come forward to treat the elderly who have passed their golden age in a humane and comfortable manner.

Seeing this at the 9th China International Senior Care Expo, some companies presented their robots and demonstrated home cameras and security systems. A robot has been such that it can check the weight of an elderly person living alone at home, can measure blood pressure, can do other health checks like this. This robot will be connected to the health system and can call a doctor in case of concern. Similarly, a company presented such a security system, in which CCTV cameras would be installed, before opening the doors could be checked in this system and if there was danger, it would automatically connect to the police or the call center of the company. Various types of such products were presented. It is clear that these products will be very effective for the care of the elderly.

(Author:Umesh Chaturvedi – Senior Indian journalist)

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