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Thursday, June 6, 2024
WorldAsiaWhite House spokesman Kirby: US would like China to provide military assistance to Kiev Fox News

White House spokesman Kirby: US would like China to provide military assistance to Kiev Fox News

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According to him, Washington would like China to “join the rest of the world in condemning” the Russian special operation. In addition, the United States “would be happy to see measures from Beijing to help Ukraine in self-defense”, reports RIA News Kirby’s words.The White House spokesman also warned China against “military assistance to Russia,” but noted that according to US data, Beijing had made no such move.The United States must recognize that not only China supports Russia, but the entire southern hemisphere. Andrea Widburg, columnist for the American Thinker portal, said so. According to her, Europe, which “has long been afraid of Russians”, and America, which “has a penchant for foreigners”, immediately gave strong support to Ukraine. However, the “Global South” has chosen to do business with the Russian Federation, despite pressure from the West.

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