Welcome to CognitionHub.com, the forefront of technology-driven solutions that empower e-commerce companies to achieve unprecedented success by harnessing the power of generative AI. Our team brings together decades of invaluable experience in the e-commerce and affiliate marketing landscape. We’re a diverse group of experts, including data scientists, developers, and creative minds, all united by a common goal: to develop and launch groundbreaking composable commerce components. These components are designed not only to enhance but to potentially revolutionize your existing processes using the extraordinary capabilities of generative AI. At CognitionHub.com, we’re not just about staying ahead of the curve; we’re about shaping the curve itself. We envision a future where efficiency and precision in e-commerce reach new heights, all thanks to cutting-edge technology. Your success is our mission, and generative AI is the key.





Tech & Partner solutions

Contact Person

Maria Dimitrova



Together we grow.
