Essex County Council sets aside $5.25 million for proposed regional hospital in its 2020 budget


By Robin MacLennan

Ontario Construction News staff writer

Essex County council approved its 2020 budget last week, including $5.25 million for the proposed new regional hospital. In 2019, $3.9 million was set aside for the same project.

“We are committed to quality health care for Essex County residents and investing this money sends a strong signal to the provincial government that we are more than ready for a state-of-the-art regional hospital,” Essex County Warden and Tecumseh Mayor Gary McNamara said in a news release.

“It’s time to get shovels in the ground.”

Spending will increase the county tax bills by less than one percent – making the total tax increase over the last 18 years at the county government level about 22 per cent, a number that McNamara says is below the annual inflation rate.

“This budget promotes quality of life issues that matter to residents like roads, active living and a new state-of-the-art hospital,” he said. “It embraces our pay-as-you-go philosophy, supports our reserves and lays the foundation for future growth and development, positioning the county as an enviable place for businesses to invest and for families to live.”

The county will hire an additional planner in 2020, to handle an expected increase in development applications and to help with the county’s official plan review and municipalities updating their own official plans

The budget includes a $50 million construction program for roads and bridges. The 2020 Road Rehabilitation Program has more than 30 projects worth almost $14 million – a $1.5 million increase.

County council approved an additional $100,000 for the $4.84 million active transportation system budget. Three paved shoulder projects and $2 million are in the works for 2020.

Other highlights include $800,000 in a five-year capital program to repair and maintain affordable housing.


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