Citizen’s New Star Wars Watches Places An X-Wing Or TIE Fighter


Citizen has a pair of new  X-wing or TIE fighter pilot watches in the Star Wars universe might look like.

Sure, a pilot’s watch in that far away galaxy would probably be redundant given astromech droids usually tag along and give spaceship pilots all the help they could ever need, but it’s still a fun design exercise, and by resurrecting one of its ‘80s-era analogue-digital hybrid models, Citizen has done a good job at capturing the gritty Star Wars aesthetic.


Inspired by an original Citizen analog-digital watch from the 1980s, it features a rectangular black stainless steel case, with a dial packed with features, including dual time in both X-Wing and Tie Fighter Pilot views


this Rebel Pilot inspired watch from Citizen celebrating the Star Wars™ galaxy. Inspired by an original Citizen analog-digital watch from the 1980s, this stainless steel rectangular case watch is packed with features, including dual time and subdials with both the Rebel Alliance logo and the X-Wing with Rebel inspired colors.

Two versions of the watch are available: a $US350 ($451) silver option called the “Rebel Pilot” features symbols and graphics inspired by the flight suits and helmets of the Rebel Alliance, and a $US375 ($483) black option called the “Trench Run” that instead draws inspiration from imagery and the targeting displays inside one of the Empire’s TIE fighters.

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