Muslims Of Calgary: Jewish Pornographers Destroy Nations By Seducing & Degrading Women

Blazing Cat Fur:

The Muslims of Calgary have within their library an instructional entitled “The Hijab Why? Did you know that the Jews control Hollywood? No? Well it’s true, the Muslims of Calgary inform us that it is one of the “weapons” of their “widespread establishments” through which they destroy nations by degrading women via pornography. Below is a screenshot with the exact text from the document….

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About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

2 Replies to “Muslims Of Calgary: Jewish Pornographers Destroy Nations By Seducing & Degrading Women”

  1. The hijab is nowhere found in the koran. Honor killing is nowhere found in the koran. FGM is nowhere found in the koran. Can the koranic scholars declare that the koran should be translated in e.g. Urdu? Iftikhar constantly complains Pakistani children do not get lessons in Urdu.

    It must be admitted that in “Latina”-porn the women tend to look North-African instead of Indigenous (American).