New luggage scanning machines installed

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KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Deputy Director General of Kuwait International Airport Affairs Eng Fahad Sulaiman Al- Waqyan says the project for installation of new smart machines for scanning luggage of arriving passengers is complete, reports Al-Anba daily.

Al-Waqyan explained that the project involves installation of three machines that are automatic and have the capacity to handle 1,000 luggage per hour each. Two of the machines will be put in operation early next week. The third one will serve as a reserve in case any of the two machines is faulty due to airport congestion.

The project also includes upgrade of the elastic belts, surveillance cameras and departure passenger control rooms. Six belts have been installed at the Departure Lounge and are currently in the checking and test-run stage. Al-Waqyan affirmed that the project will serve over 12 million passengers during the summer holidays.

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