Eid expected on April 10th

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KUWAIT CITY, March 30: The Al-Ojairi Scientific Center and the Qatari Calendar House have announced that the first day of Shawwal, marking Eid al-Fitr, will astronomically align on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 according to precise astronomical calculations, reports Al-Seyassah daily. The crescent of Shawwal is expected to appear on Monday evening, April 8th, at 9:22 pm local time in Kuwait and Doha (6:22 pm Universal Time).

However, sighting the crescent on the evening of the investigation day is deemed impossible across Kuwait, Qatar, and other Arab and Islamic countries due to its absence at sunset. The crescent of Shawwal will remain visible for 55 minutes on Tuesday evening, allowing for its observation with slight deviation. Based on astronomical calculations, Ramadan is expected to complete its 30-day duration. The Eid al-Fitr prayer is scheduled for Wednesday at precisely 5:43 am, Kuwait time. The legal decision to commence Shawwal remains under the jurisdiction of the Sharia Vision Board.

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