Boursa Kuwait witnesses 26% surge in foreign investments

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KUWAIT CITY, Feb 5: In January, foreign investments in the Boursa Kuwait surged by 26%, reaching 9 million dinars. Their net purchases hit 43.3 million dinars, a notable increase from December’s 34.3 million dinars. Institutions and companies led the way with strong net purchases of 42.6 million dinars, while individuals, investment funds, and others recorded net purchases and sales of 578.9 thousand dinars and 52.9 thousand dinars, respectively. Foreign investors made significant purchases totaling 47.9 million dinars, driven by the MSCI index review.

Foreign institutions and companies led the pack with purchases soaring to 113.1 million dinars, and investment funds made purchases totaling 471.5 thousand dinars. Overall, foreign traders, including individuals and institutions, recorded net purchases of 43.32 million dinars. In contrast, Kuwaitis, including individuals, institutions, and investment funds, posted net sales worth 33.03 million dinars in January. Kuwaiti investors recorded the highest transaction percentage, followed by foreign investors, while Gulf shareholders had the smallest share of transactions. Transactions on the Boursa Kuwait totaled 1.478 billion dinars in January, with institutions or companies accounting for over 53%, individuals over 42%, client portfolios limited to Kuwaitis, and investment funds. The market exhibited positive performance, with key indexes experiencing notable increases. The market’s end-of-month value reached 42.922 billion dinars, up 6.61% from December 2023.

By Mahmoud Shendi
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff and Agencies

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