‘Will & Grace’ star Eric McCormack’s wife Janet Leigh files for divorce

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Eric McCormack and Janet Leigh Holden McCormack.

LOS ANGELES, Nov 26, (Agencies): The marriage of Eric McCormack and Janet Leigh Holden McCormack has reached its conclusion, with Janet filing for divorce from the acclaimed Will & Grace star after 26 years of matrimony. According to court records, Janet initiated the divorce proceedings just one day before Thanksgiving in the Los Angeles County Superior Court, citing “irreconcilable differences” as the grounds for the separation. The couple, who tied the knot on Aug 3, 1997, has left the official date of separation marked as “To Be Determined.”

In the legal documents, Janet is seeking spousal support and requesting coverage for her attorney fees. Notably, she is also seeking an absence of support awarded to Eric, with whom she shares a 21-year-old son named Finnigan. The division of property is another aspect Janet is addressing, aiming for an equitable distribution as the estranged couple navigates the process.

As of now, neither Eric nor Janet has publicly commented on the divorce. The last public appearance of the estranged couple together was in March at an Academy Awards viewing party, and since then, their journey has taken a turn toward separation.

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