Understanding Venous Thrombosis: A Silent Killer Worldwide

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KUWAIT CITY, Oct 10: According to the Director of the Quality and Accreditation Department at the Ministry of Health Dr. Talal Al-Fadhala, venous thrombosis is a silent killer that comes as a shock to many people, as one in four people in the world dies as a result of diseases resulting from blood clots, and 50 percent of the patients are exposed to serious and chronic complications. Therefore, identifying the groups most vulnerable to clots and assessing risks before they occur are the best ways to prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).

In a press statement issued yesterday during an event titled “Action Against Venous Thrombosis” held on the occasion of World Blood Clot Day, Al-Fadhala stressed the importance of implementing quality and safety programs in health institutions, and updating and unifying policies and work guidelines for prevention. He explained that the Quality and Accreditation Department has a package of quality and safety indicators to measure and follow up on the performance of health institutions in preventing deep venous thrombosis.

It also has a field audit program aimed at monitoring the extent of the application of health practices to preserve patient safety and identify weak points to find appropriate solutions to avoid deep venous thrombosis. Health safety The Quality and Accreditation Department plays a crucial role in improving and enhancing the quality of health services in the State of Kuwait, and enhancing health safety for citizens, as the Ministry of Health aims to provide the best healthcare services to the community.

Dr. Al-Fadhala stressed the importance of keeping up with the global celebrations of Blood Clot Day to raise awareness about the dangers of deep vein thrombosis and blood clotting, through various activities including publishing awareness materials about deep vein thrombosis on social media sites, with the cooperation of the media office and governmental health institutions in the Ministry of Health, as well as activities held in public hospitals to increase the awareness of service providers and beneficiaries about the danger of this silent killer and ways to prevent it.

By Marwa Al-Bahrawi

Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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