100 kg drugs seized; citizen arrested

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Senior MoI officials inspecting the seized contraband
Senior MoI officials inspecting the seized contraband

KUWAIT CITY, Oct 27: Security forces have confiscated around 100 kgs of a narcotic drug in an apartment in Al-Salmiya neighborhood, the Ministry of Interior (MoI) announced on Thursday. Security guards ransacked the apartment and found copious amounts of narcotics, including a drug known as “spice”, a statement by the ministry noted. Moreover, a citizen has been detained in connection with the possession of these illicit substances, the statement added.

The suspect has admitted that he imported the drugs from China and has been referred to authorities, it noted.

Meanwhile, the MoI’s Assistant Undersecretary for Criminal Security Major General Abdulhamid Al-Awadhi conveyed Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah’s gratitude for security efforts to protect the nation from such perils and to ensure the safety of citizens and residents alike. (KUNA)

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