Sunday, June 2, 2024

Peter Hinssen: The Tiger & the Rock

December 21, 2011 by  
Filed under VidStyle

Peter Hinssen is one of Europe’s most esteemed thought leaders in the field of technology and its impact on business life and society. He doesn’t believe in exponential. He believes in S-curves. Peter says extrapolating won’t work and tells us what it means for Healthcare.


TEDx was created in the spirit of TED’s mission, ‘ideas worth spreading’. The programme is designed to give communities, organisations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level.

ABOUT Peter Hinssen

“Peter’s focus is on the consumer adoption of technology, on the impact of the networked digital society and on the Fusion between IT and Business.

Peter collaborates with organisations in the areas of IT Strategy, Transformation, Fusion and Coaching in both Europe and North America.

He is co-founder of Across Group and CEO of Across Technology. He’s an entrepreneur, lecturer and writer and the former Chairman of Porthus. In the nineties, he founded and was CEO at e-COM Interactive, a leading Internet consultancy firm where he implemented some of the first large-scale internet and e-commerce projects in Europe. Peter is a passionate Keynote Speaker at conferences around the world.”

If you liked this THEN you might also like these: 1. Jamie Heywood: The Big Idea my Brother Inspired  2. Patients Like Me


1. Website  2. Across Group  3.Book: Business/IT Fusion  4. Patients Like Me

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