Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Pramila Jayapal: New Ways to think about Immigration

July 18, 2011 by  
Filed under VidStyle

Activist and writer Pramila Jayapal gives us new ways to think about immigration, migration and movement. She challenges xenophobia and discrimination, laying out powerful arguments for embracing migration.


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ABOUT Pramila Jayapal

“Pramila Jayapal is the founder and Executive Director of OneAmerica. She was born in India and came to the United States in 1982. She became a U.S. citizen in 2000 and has spent over twenty years working for social justice, both internationally and domestically.

She is a frequent featured speaker nationwide and a regular guest on local and national television and radio shows, addressing diverse audiences on issues of immigrant integration as well as immigrant, civil and human rights.

Under her leadership, OneAmerica has achieved significant policy change in Washington State, leading efforts to win numerous victories for immigrants. Nationally, she has helped to lead the fight for due process and comprehensive immigration reform, serving as Vice Chair of the Rights Working Group national coalition as well as on the Executive Committee of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement.

She has been named by the Puget Sound Business Journal as one of 20 Women of Influence, whose leadership and work ‘moves the needle on critical issues in the region’ (2007); by Seattle Magazine as a Power 25 Leader (2006); and by The Seattle Times Editorial Board as one of 12 Puget Sound Regional Leaders (2005).  Pramila lives with her husband and one son in Seattle.”



1.Twitter 2. Facebook 3. Book: Pilgrimage to India, A Woman Revisits Her Homeland (Adventura S.)

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