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Cheltenham Paint Festival Faces Funding Challenge

Organizers of the Cheltenham Paint Festival are appealing for help after their application for Arts Council Funding was denied. The annual event, which is expected to take place in Cheltenham this July, showcases the talents of dozens of artists. However, financial constraints are threatening the festival’s future.

Andy Davies, the festival’s organizer, expressed disappointment at the funding decision. “Unfortunately, we’ve been turned down again this year, and that has left a huge hole in our budget,” he said. Securing funding has become increasingly challenging, with a growing number of applicants vying for a limited pool of resources.

The Arts Council acknowledged their past support for the Cheltenham Paint Festival but emphasized the highly competitive nature of the National Lottery Project Grants program. While the festival’s most recent application was unsuccessful, they encouraged future submissions and maintained close communication with cultural stakeholders in the area. Despite the setback, the organizers remain committed to celebrating art and creativity in Cheltenham. 🎨🌟

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