Why Polygon’s MATIC is Lagging Behind BTC, ETH, and Layer-2 Rivals in the Crypto Bull Run

  • Polygon’s native token MATIC has seen a significant decline, underperforming compared to BTC, ETH, and other layer-2 tokens.
  • Factors include its valuation, the impact of Ethereum’s Dencun upgrade, and key personnel changes.
  • “MATIC was overvalued at the start of the ongoing crypto bull run,” says SwissOne Capital.

This article examines the reasons behind MATIC’s underperformance and its position in the evolving layer-2 landscape, providing insights into its future prospects.

The Dencun Effect and MATIC’s Challenges

Ethereum’s upcoming Dencun upgrade is poised to lower transaction costs for layer-2 solutions, benefiting optimistic rollups more than Polygon’s zkEVM. This discrepancy stems from the different methods these technologies use to verify transactions. While optimistic rollups like Arbitrum and Optimism benefit from reduced costs due to their “innocent until proven guilty” approach, Polygon’s “guilty until proven innocent” method means it won’t see the same level of cost reduction. This fundamental difference places Polygon at a competitive disadvantage, as highlighted by Katie Talati from Arca.

Market Dynamics and Competition

Polygon’s market position has been further affected by internal changes and intense competition from other layer-2 solutions. The departure of former Polygon President Ryan Wyatt to Optimism underscored the platform’s challenges in maintaining its growth trajectory. Moreover, Arbitrum’s success, particularly in attracting DeFi protocols and traders, has made it the preferred choice for many, overshadowing MATIC’s potential. The disparity in trading volumes and total value locked between Polygon and its rivals underscores the shifting preferences within the DeFi ecosystem.

Investor Sentiment and Valuation Concerns

The perception of MATIC being overvalued at the beginning of the crypto bull run has contributed to its current predicament. With other tokens now playing catch-up, the relative valuation of MATIC compared to its peers has become a focal point for investors. Kenny Hearn from SwissOne Capital notes that the valuation adjustment is part of a broader market realignment, with tokens like ARB and OPT adjusting to more sustainable levels. This realignment is influenced by ongoing rewards to stakers and the mechanics of token supply management, which are critical factors in the layer-2 landscape.

Future Outlook for MATIC and Polygon’s Ecosystem

Despite the challenges, Polygon’s ecosystem, encompassing Polygon PoS and zkEVM, continues to innovate in the blockchain space. The development of scaling solutions and the potential for future upgrades could enhance MATIC’s attractiveness to investors and developers. However, overcoming the current hurdles will require strategic adjustments and possibly new innovations that align with the evolving demands of the crypto market. The future of MATIC will depend on Polygon’s ability to capitalize on these opportunities and redefine its value proposition in the competitive layer-2 arena.


The underperformance of Polygon’s MATIC in the current bull run reflects a complex interplay of market dynamics, technological challenges, and strategic decisions. As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, MATIC’s ability to adapt and innovate will be crucial in determining its place in the hierarchy of layer-2 solutions. For investors and enthusiasts watching the space, the developments in the coming months will provide further clarity on MATIC’s trajectory and Polygon’s role in the broader ecosystem.

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Marisol Navarohttps://en.coinotag.com/
Marisol Navaro is a young 21-year-old writer who is passionate about following in Satoshi's footsteps in the cryptocurrency industry. With a drive to learn and understand the latest trends and developments, Marisol provides fresh insights and perspectives on the world of cryptocurrency.

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