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Jay-Z’s Wisdom: 12 Unforgettable Quotes from His Songs

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Jay-Z: 12 Unforgettable Quotes from His Songs

Jay-Z, born Shawn Corey Carter, is not just a rapper; he’s a storyteller, a businessman, and a philosopher in his own right. His lyrics often delve deep into themes of success, failure, loyalty, and the complexities of life. Here, we’ve compiled 20 of his most memorable and impactful quotes from various songs throughout his illustrious career.

“I’m not a businessman; I’m a business, man!”

‘Diamonds from Sierra Leone (Remix)’ This line encapsulates Jay-Z’s entrepreneurial spirit, reminding us that he is a brand and a force to be reckoned with.

“I will not lose, for even in defeat, there’s a valuable lesson learned, so it evens it up for me.”

‘Blueprint 2’ Jay-Z emphasizes the importance of learning from failure and using setbacks as stepping stones to success.

“Over here we measure success by how many people successful next to you. Here we say you broke if everybody is broke except for you.”

‘Boss’ He highlights the significance of uplifting those around you and creating a legacy of success.

“I’m not afraid of dying, I’m afraid of not trying.”

‘Beach Chair’ Jay-Z encourages us to take risks and not let the fear of failure hold us back.

“I can’t help the poor if I’m one of them. So I got rich and gave back, to me that’s the win/win.”

‘Moment of Clarity’ He reflects on the power of financial stability to make a positive impact on the world.

“Remind yourself, nobody’s built like you. You design yourself.”

‘A Dream’ A call to embrace your uniqueness and live authentically.

“Generational wealth, that’s the key. My parents ain’t have shit, so that ship started with me.”

‘Legacy’ He speaks about breaking the cycle of poverty and building wealth for future generations.

“Only God can judge me, so I’m gone, either love me or leave me alone.”

‘Public Service Announcement’ A reminder to stay true to oneself despite what others may think or say.

“I can’t see it coming down my eyes, but I gotta make the song cry.”

‘Song Cry’ Expressing the cathartic power of music in dealing with pain and emotions.

“I sell ice in the winter, I sell fire in hell. I am a hustler baby, I’ll sell water to a well.”

‘U Don’t Know’ Jay-Z’s clever wordplay highlights his adaptability and entrepreneurial spirit.

“Do not step to me. I’m awkward, I box lefty. An orphan, my pops left me. And often, my mama wasn’t home. Could not stress to me I wasn’t grown; ‘specially on nights I brought something back to quiet the stomach rumblings.”

‘December 4th’ A raw and honest reflection on his challenging upbringing, showcasing his resilience and determination.


Jay-Z’s lyrics are a treasure trove of wisdom, insight, and inspiration. His ability to turn phrases and convey deep truths through his music has solidified his place as one of the greatest artists of our time. These 20 quotes are just a glimpse into the mind of a man who has turned his life experiences into a legacy of wisdom, success, and inspiration.

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