China is dead without US chips?

3 years ago almost everyone I spoke to at Silicone Valley told me China will be dead/finished without US chips, I disputed that said 40% of the tech companies employees are Chinese. You meant to tell me Chinese Brains in China bad compared to those in US. I thought those people said that are racists. Besides China has 5x more engineers than US. Fast forward to today, Asian hates and racism are encouraging 1,000s of Chinese top scientists in US returning to China every months. Even ASML is worried. I think they should. 3 年前,幾乎所有與我在矽谷交談過的人都告訴我,如果沒有美國芯片,中國將滅亡/完蛋,美國高科技公司40%員工是中國人. 你是想告訴我在中國的中國人大腦與美國的中國人相比差。我覺得那些人說法是種族主義者。此外,中國的工程師人數是美國的 5 倍。回到今天,亞洲人的仇恨和種族主義正在鼓勵美國有數千名中國頂尖科學家每月返回中國。就連 ASML 也很擔心。我認為他們應該。

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