Letters to the Editor — Aug. 19, 2022

The Issue: President Biden’s signing of the Inflation Reduction Act, which can lead to 87,000 new IRS hires.

The said goal of the 87,000 further IRS hires is to just audit other people making over $400,000; alternatively, there’s undoubtedly the “witch hunt” will come with small companies and hard-working middle-class households (“Joe signs $437B IRA,” Aug. 17).

It turns out Democrats’ goal is to in the end recoup the billions specified by their over the top spending expenses from each imaginable supply. So why no longer cross after the ones making not up to $400,000?

These are the inclined other people and small companies that don’t have the backing of best tax legal professionals and CPAs.

Marty Orenstein

New Hyde Park

The so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” will do not anything to scale back inflation and can most likely make it worse. It feels like one thing out of Ayn Rand’s dystopian novel, “Atlas Shrugged.”

In that tale, Congress, ruled by means of socialists, passes the “Anti-greed Act,” the “Equalization of Opportunity Act” and the “Anti Dog-Eat-Dog Act” — they all not anything however big-government fantasies handed by means of power-hungry politicians that do the other of what they purport.

Congress hit the mega-billions jackpot with this one.

Richard Sawicki


We are completely screwed. No topic how a lot President Biden and his similarly inept management attempt to promote their new tax-and-spend canard, journeys to the grocer and gasoline station don’t seem to be feeling any higher.

Worse, aid isn’t coming anytime quickly, regardless of how the Dems are spinning it.

The Dems offered part of the rustic a invoice of products, promising a go back to sanity, harmony and prosperity. What they delivered is a degree of corruption, incoherence and incompetence by no means sooner than observed in our authorities.

The best factor we will do now’s to prevent the hemorrhaging in November, include the wear and tear this management has brought about and inspire the Republicans to revive the insurance policies of the former management as briefly as imaginable.

Michael D’Auria


Wouldn’t or not it’s smart to allocate 87,000 team of workers to the beleaguered and confused Border Patrol as a substitute of hiring extra IRS brokers?

Since those additional IRS hires can have few millionaires and billionaires to audit, they are going to need to audit the individuals who make up the bulk within the United States — the deficient and the center category.

All electorate must consider who voted for this boondoggle and what number of of them are Democrats who’re up for reelection this November.

It’s time to vote the rascals out. It’s to your self-interest.

Chuck Lehmann

Delray Beach, Fla.

The Issue: Minneapolis Public Schools’ new coverage that white lecturers will probably be let cross first if layoffs are important.

The town of Minneapolis is adopting employment insurance policies that may supply race-based process protections to lecturers of colour (“Defending deal to ax whites 1st,” Aug. 18).

How is that this no longer racist? How is it no longer divisive? Most necessary: How does making employment selections in response to what a instructor seems like supply scholars in Minneapolis with a greater training?

If Minneapolis seeks to diversify its body of workers, how about tweaking recruitment practices as a substitute of treating white lecturers unfairly?

Michelle Graham


Gee, what a good way to motive chaos within the college machine.

This will create pressure between scholars of colour and white lecturers, discourage any white instructor from making use of (irrespective of wanted abilities) and inspire any inclined white instructor to go away right away to hunt employment somewhere else.

Gary Layton

Interlaken, NJ

Want to weigh in on nowadays’s tales? Send your ideas (at the side of your complete identify and town of place of dwelling) to [email protected]. Letters are topic to enhancing for readability, period, accuracy and magnificence.

Source Link: https://nypost.com/2022/08/18/letters-to-the-editor-aug-19-2022/

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