Vivek Ramaswamy reveals his campaign has become a social-media stunt

Oops: Vivek Ramaswamy just inadvertently revealed that his once-promising presidential campaign has devolved into a sad bid for social-media fame.

On Friday, he called for a social-media-only Republican debate, which only makes sense if that’s the only audience he still cares about.

Sure, he claimed it would be a way to increase viewership — but you don’t get a larger audience by making something harder to watch.

His idea would shrink the audience — while increasing the proportion of views addicted to clickbait.

That he suggests Tucker Carlson to host only doubles down on that gambit: Like Ramaswamy, Carlson used to raise important topics that much of the media didn’t want to touch — but these days he’s largely dedicated to pushing buttons hard for a select sector of folks.

That’s the main road to social-media success, after all.  

And the direction of Ramaswamy’s campaign, as he increasingly relies on conspiracy theories and his most “unique” ideas for his appeal.

It also has him fading in the overall polling, as Republican voters winnow the field to the most serious candidates — and turn their thumbs down on his antics.

At this point, Vivek, you’re just damaging any future political hopes you might’ve had.

You could afford to retire, but if you still want to work, may we suggest focusing on your YouTube channel?

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