Vote Mazi Pilip, not Tom Suozzi, in the NY special election

As voters head to the special election for New York’s 3rd Congressional District, remember: A vote for Mazi Pilip is a vote for sanity. 

And the nation needs sanity right now, so voters in Queens and Nassau must show up at the polls for her despite weather that’s predicted to be awful.

The GOP aspirant to George Santos’ old seat is running neck and neck with its former holder, Democrat Tom Suozzi.

She closed out last week with a major array of endorsement from key unions — including three big NYPD outfits and the Border Patrol agents’ union. 

And no wonder. 

Pilip wants a secure, humane border — not the wave-them-in catastrophe currently crushing small towns in Texas, Arizona and elsewhere, hurting state and city fiscs as far away as New York and undermining our national security. 

She’s tough on crime, vocally calling out nonsense like New York City’s obscene How Many Stops Act, progressive madness that buries cops under added, pointless paperwork.

Clear proof she’ll fight against any pro-crime nonsense that bubbles up at the national level. 

And she understands that American interests lie with supporting Israel — a powerful regional ally and partner. 

Not with the bloody-handed killers of Hamas.  

Pilip also has an amazing and quintessentially American backstory: Born into poverty in Ethiopia, she emigrated to Israel, served in a paratrooper unit there and is now fighting the good fight here. 

Suozzi, to be fair, often says the right things — but in Congress he voted with President Biden 100% of the time. 

He failed to attack Biden’s border policies while the disaster they created was unfolding. 

He helped ram through Biden’s trillions in new spending which drove inflation skyward to hurt the pocketbooks of average Americans. 

Worse still, Suozzi once boasted about wanting to be an honorary member of the infamous Squad (and scored an apparent membership from socialist demagogue AOC). 

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If he wins, history suggests he’ll loyally back every wacked-out plan Democrats want to ram through.

That’s literally the last thing this country needs.

So: Brave the storm, vote Pilip — and get America back on track. 

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