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Brassier set to leave Brest at the end of the season

The Brest defender is determined to stick with the surprise package of Ligue 1 despite attention from elite teams like AC Milan and Porto.

Big clubs have naturally turned their focus to Brest’s exceptional players as they continue to perform well, with 24-year-old Lillian Brassier at the center of rumors. Top teams like AS Monaco, AC Milan, and Porto have taken notice of Brassier’s remarkable performances.

This season, Stade Brestois has exceeded all expectations by being a strong candidate to qualify for the UEFA Champions League, defying all odds. Les Ty Zefs, who were once expected to be relegated, have become a major topic of conversation in European football circles thanks to their outstanding play.

Brassier’s Commitment

Despite the mounting interest, he has expressed his commitment to Stade Brestois in an exclusive interview with L’Équipe. He emphasized that his ambition is to compete in the biggest competitions and win trophies, sentiments ingrained during his time at Brest.

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“My ambition is to play in the biggest competitions, to win trophies because that’s what remains.”

With one year remaining on his contract, his departure from Brest is not guaranteed. He remains focused on short-term objectives, aiming to maximize his contributions to the club’s ongoing success. Finishing the season at Brest holds significant importance to him, given the extraordinary journey they are currently experiencing.

“I saw myself finishing the season at Brest because we’re experiencing something big.”

A Crucial Decision for Brassier

Brassier’s decision to stay reflects his dedication to Brest’s cause and his belief in the club’s potential.

While interest from other clubs may persist, Brassier’s commitment to his current team serves as a testament to his loyalty and determination to make an impact on the Breton club’s continued success.

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