Automotive Education for Everyday Drivers

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Car rust proofing: Cate’s Practical Tips for Busy Parents and Professionals

Hello, busy & beautiful friends,

It’s been a minute since we caught up, hasn’t it? Life’s been a whirlwind lately, what with juggling work deadlines, soccer practices, and everything in between. But amidst the chaos, there’s something I’ve been thinking about—a little something that might not seem like a big deal but can make all the difference in keeping our busy lives running smoothly: preventing rust on our cars.

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking. “Rust? Seriously, Cate? I barely have time to sip my coffee in the morning, let alone worry about rust on my car!” Trust me, I get it. As busy moms and professionals, our to-do lists are endless, and rust prevention might seem like just another chore to add to the pile.

But here’s the thing, my lovelies—taking a few minutes out of our hectic schedules to care for our cars can save us a whole lot of stress and hassle down the road. Rust might not be the most glamorous topic, but it’s one of those sneaky little things that can wreak havoc on our precious vehicles if left unchecked.

So, here are some Cate-approved tips for squeezing rust prevention into our jam-packed days:

  1. Make it a Family Affair: Get the kids involved in washing the car! It’s a great way to spend quality time together while teaching them the importance of car maintenance.
  2. Keep It Simple: No need for fancy car care products—just a bucket, some soap, and a hose; heck why not head to an automatic wash and let it do the work for you!
  3. Multitask Like a Pro: You’re not driving in an automatic car wash, so open that app and pre-order your favorite brew at the coffee shop nearest you -hello self-care; it’s amazing what you can accomplish when you multitask like a boss!
  4. Schedule It In: Treat rust prevention like any other appointment on your calendar. Set aside a specific time each month to give your car some much-needed TLC.

Remember friends, taking care of our cars isn’t just about keeping them looking good—it’s about keeping our families safe on the road and avoiding costly repairs down the line. So let’s make rust prevention a priority, even when life gets crazy. Our future selves—and our bank accounts—will thank us!

Sending love and car-care vibes your way,


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