Municipalities Affairs Minister heads Bahrain’s delegation to GCC meeting

Riyadh, September 8 / BNA / Minister of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture Eng. Wael bin Nasser Al Mubarak stressed the importance of promoting joint Gulf action to achieve sustainable development goals within a unified vision for the development of municipal work. He pointed to the vital role of the municipal sectors in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries in achieving comprehensive growth and advancing the progress of Gulf societies.

This came during the speech of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture while heading the Kingdom’s delegation to the twenty-fifth meeting of the Ministers of Municipal Affairs of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which was held today in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, after approving the recommendations that were reached at the meeting of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. Senior municipal officials. He said that the meeting of the ministers of municipal affairs in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries completes the steps towards achieving sustainable municipal work aimed at improving services and enhancing the welfare of the Gulf citizen.

The Minister praised the recommendations and decisions reached at the meeting, especially those related to the development of legislation and municipal oversight mechanisms. He referred to the joint municipal action strategy that aims to achieve the vision of the leaders of the GCC states in ensuring maximum integration among the GCC states. He praised the role of the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council in facing challenges to achieve the desired goals.

It is noteworthy that the meeting dealt with topics related to the joint Gulf municipal action strategy, and the preparation of a number of guiding guides, namely the guide to the quality of life index, the guide to public utilities for the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and the guide to legislation, regulations and planning standards to promote the humanization of cities.

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The meeting shed light on the latest developments of the Gulf Municipal Work Award, as the fifth session of the award was approved during the years 2023-2024 under the slogan “Social Partnership in the Municipal Work System”.

The meeting also discussed the conditions and mechanism for classifying contractors, the decision of the Supreme Council on the built environment, strategic urban planning, and the decision to monitor the huge efforts in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries to confront the Corona virus (Covid-19). The pandemic, the decision of the Ministerial Council on the Gulf construction code, in addition to announcing the winners of the Gulf Municipal Work Award, defining the axes of the upcoming municipal work conference, and highlighting Gulf municipal work in regional and international forums.


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